How the HECK is Facebook and LinkedIn Going to Grow My Business?
This is a question that I hear almost everyday when talking to friends, clients and business connections. Many people understand they NEED to be on these social networking sites, but are not sure exactly WHY they need to. The reason - they are an excellent marketing tool for their business!
Think about the networking cocktail parties that happen around the globe every day. These networking events can be held by associations, professional groups or even local chambers of commerce. While sometimes they can be niche and packed with your target market, many times can be sporadic and unfruitful. And not to mention the time and money your have to commit to them!
What if I told you that Social Networking sites are JUST like these local cocktail parties and networking events, BUT that the differences are astounding. “online cocktail parties” are running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year…even on holidays! You choose when you want to get involved in Social Networking Sites:
*Allow you to choose the EXACT target market you want to engage and connect with
*Have absolutely no travel or telephone work associated with them
*Allow you to be flexible.
Social networking sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn allow you to connect with large masses of people including your old friends and professional colleagues, but more importantly they allow you the opportunity to meet and connect with new and exciting people who are willing and able to build your business, purchase your products, learn from your expertise and spread that all too valuable word of mouth!
By connecting with people on social networking sites you are enabling a wide group of people to benefit from your area of expertise while engaging them in conversation, asking/answering questions and gathering valuable information to help you market more effectively to your target audience. To be honest, the opportunities are endless.
Social networking sites allow you to build real relationships with your audience, inform them instantly of new developments in your industry, your company and your life.
Have a new ebook you want to promote, let your friends on Facebook and LinkedIn know about it first! Tell them about your new blog posts, your new staff members, a professional award, your television interview
At the end of the day, sites like LinkedIn and Facebook allow you to bring the human factor into your relationships with your consumers. This is why major international corporations have been using these networks for years to connect with their consumers with excellent levels of success.
What are your thoughts on this?
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sven Mathura
my profile
Sven Mathura’s Groups:
Real Estate Connect
Online Marketing, Web Analytics, and E-commerce Group -- WebAnalysts.Info
Linked Affiliate - A Place for Affiliate Marketers to Meet!
Google Group
Search Engine Strategies Conference & Expo
AT&T Alumni Network
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SEO Hardcore
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Inc 500 Companies
CMO Executive Network
Relocation (Corporate & Individual) Services
Worldwide ERC® - U.S. Domestic Relocation
Online Advertising Group
Staffing Management Association of South Florida
Florida Realtors Only
Self Storage Industry Group
Self Storage Network
Creation, Communication, and Language Professionals
Sven Mathura’s Honors:
With the use of credit card payments growing at an enormous rate, businesses are relying on Nationwide Payment Solutions to facilitate a payment solution that works for them. A greater number of the nation's retailers depend on NPS for their credit card processing needs, from the time of the sale to the settlement at the end of the day, both in-store and online.
Credit Cards
Debit Cards
Direct Marketing (Online Sales)
Gift/Loyalty Cards
Electronic Check Acceptance
Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT)
Nationwide maintains strong business relationships with major POS equipment and software corporations, enabling us to certify a large number of credit card terminals and software gateways. If you’re looking for a dynamic processing setup, Nationwide Payments is the answer you're looking for.
Sven Mathura’s Contact Settings
Sven Mathura’s Groups:
Real Estate Connect
Online Marketing, Web Analytics, and E-commerce Group -- WebAnalysts.Info
Linked Affiliate - A Place for Affiliate Marketers to Meet!
Google Group
Search Engine Strategies Conference & Expo
AT&T Alumni Network
Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Network
Relocation Professionals
South Florida Interactive Marketing Association
Online Lead Generation
Latin Connections Alliance
Self Storage & Mobile Storage
SEO Hardcore
Refresh Miami
Inc 500 Companies
CMO Executive Network
Relocation (Corporate & Individual) Services
Worldwide ERC® - U.S. Domestic Relocation
Online Advertising Group
Staffing Management Association of South Florida
Florida Realtors Only
Self Storage Industry Group
Self Storage Network
Creation, Communication, and Language Professionals
Sven Mathura’s Honors:
With the use of credit card payments growing at an enormous rate, businesses are relying on Nationwide Payment Solutions to facilitate a payment solution that works for them. A greater number of the nation's retailers depend on NPS for their credit card processing needs, from the time of the sale to the settlement at the end of the day, both in-store and online.
Credit Cards
Debit Cards
Direct Marketing (Online Sales)
Gift/Loyalty Cards
Electronic Check Acceptance
Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT)
Nationwide maintains strong business relationships with major POS equipment and software corporations, enabling us to certify a large number of credit card terminals and software gateways. If you’re looking for a dynamic processing setup, Nationwide Payments is the answer you're looking for.
Sven Mathura’s Contact Settings
Sven mathura Transition
Obama: Economy probably won't produce enough jobs until 2010
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Obama says that despite signs of economic recovery, the country will not see large-scale job growth until next year.
President Obama discusses the economy and other topics with CNN's John King.
In a wide-ranging interview broadcast Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union," Obama said reversing job losses from the recession will come at the end of the recovery period, not the start.
"I want to be clear, that probably the jobs picture is not going to improve considerably -- and it could even get a little bit worse -- over the next couple of months," Obama told CNN chief national correspondent John King in the interview, conducted Friday.
Obama explained that he believes the economy will be creating jobs through the end of 2009 -- but not enough to keep pace with population growth nor to make up for steep losses in employment that occurred earlier this year.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Obama says that despite signs of economic recovery, the country will not see large-scale job growth until next year.
President Obama discusses the economy and other topics with CNN's John King.
In a wide-ranging interview broadcast Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union," Obama said reversing job losses from the recession will come at the end of the recovery period, not the start.
"I want to be clear, that probably the jobs picture is not going to improve considerably -- and it could even get a little bit worse -- over the next couple of months," Obama told CNN chief national correspondent John King in the interview, conducted Friday.
Obama explained that he believes the economy will be creating jobs through the end of 2009 -- but not enough to keep pace with population growth nor to make up for steep losses in employment that occurred earlier this year.
mathura sven,
Monday, April 27, 2009
Key Facts about Swine Influenza (Swine Flu)
Swine Flu
What is Swine Influenza?
Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza virus that regularly causes outbreaks of influenza in pigs. Swine flu viruses cause high levels of illness and low death rates in pigs. Swine influenza viruses may circulate among swine throughout the year, but most outbreaks occur during the late fall and winter months similar to outbreaks in humans. The classical swine flu virus (an influenza type A H1N1 virus) was first isolated from a pig in 1930.
How many swine flu viruses are there?
Like all influenza viruses, swine flu viruses change constantly. Pigs can be infected by avian influenza and human influenza viruses as well as swine influenza viruses. When influenza viruses from different species infect pigs, the viruses can reassort (i.e. swap genes) and new viruses that are a mix of swine, human and/or avian influenza viruses can emerge. Over the years, different variations of swine flu viruses have emerged. At this time, there are four main influenza type A virus subtypes that have been isolated in pigs: H1N1, H1N2, H3N2, and H3N1. However, most of the recently isolated influenza viruses from pigs have been H1N1 viruses.
Swine Flu in Humans
Can humans catch swine flu?
Swine flu viruses do not normally infect humans. However, sporadic human infections with swine flu have occurred. Most commonly, these cases occur in persons with direct exposure to pigs (e.g. children near pigs at a fair or workers in the swine industry). In addition, there have been documented cases of one person spreading swine flu to others. For example, an outbreak of apparent swine flu infection in pigs in Wisconsin in 1988 resulted in multiple human infections, and, although no community outbreak resulted, there was antibody evidence of virus transmission from the patient to health care workers who had close contact with the patient.
How common is swine flu infection in humans?
In the past, CDC received reports of approximately one human swine influenza virus infection every one to two years in the U.S., but from December 2005 through February 2009, 12 cases of human infection with swine influenza have been reported.
What are the symptoms of swine flu in humans?
The symptoms of swine flu in people are expected to be similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal influenza and include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and coughing. Some people with swine flu also have reported runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Can people catch swine flu from eating pork?
No. Swine influenza viruses are not transmitted by food. You can not get swine influenza from eating pork or pork products. Eating properly handled and cooked pork and pork products is safe. Cooking pork to an internal temperature of 160°F kills the swine flu virus as it does other bacteria and viruses.
How does swine flu spread?
Influenza viruses can be directly transmitted from pigs to people and from people to pigs. Human infection with flu viruses from pigs are most likely to occur when people are in close proximity to infected pigs, such as in pig barns and livestock exhibits housing pigs at fairs. Human-to-human transmission of swine flu can also occur. This is thought to occur in the same way as seasonal flu occurs in people, which is mainly person-to-person transmission through coughing or sneezing of people infected with the influenza virus. People may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose.
What do we know about human-to-human spread of swine flu?
In September 1988, a previously healthy 32-year-old pregnant woman was hospitalized for pneumonia and died 8 days later. A swine H1N1 flu virus was detected. Four days before getting sick, the patient visited a county fair swine exhibition where there was widespread influenza-like illness among the swine.
In follow-up studies, 76% of swine exhibitors tested had antibody evidence of swine flu infection but no serious illnesses were detected among this group. Additional studies suggest that one to three health care personnel who had contact with the patient developed mild influenza-like illnesses with antibody evidence of swine flu infection.
How can human infections with swine influenza be diagnosed?
To diagnose swine influenza A infection, a respiratory specimen would generally need to be collected within the first 4 to 5 days of illness (when an infected person is most likely to be shedding virus). However, some persons, especially children, may shed virus for 10 days or longer. Identification as a swine flu influenza A virus requires sending the specimen to CDC for laboratory testing.
What medications are available to treat swine flu infections in humans?
There are four different antiviral drugs that are licensed for use in the US for the treatment of influenza: amantadine, rimantadine, oseltamivir and zanamivir. While most swine influenza viruses have been susceptible to all four drugs, the most recent swine influenza viruses isolated from humans are resistant to amantadine and rimantadine. At this time, CDC recommends the use of oseltamivir or zanamivir for the treatment and/or prevention of infection with swine influenza viruses.
What other examples of swine flu outbreaks are there?
Probably the most well known is an outbreak of swine flu among soldiers in Fort Dix, New Jersey in 1976. The virus caused disease with x-ray evidence of pneumonia in at least 4 soldiers and 1 death; all of these patients had previously been healthy. The virus was transmitted to close contacts in a basic training environment, with limited transmission outside the basic training group. The virus is thought to have circulated for a month and disappeared. The source of the virus, the exact time of its introduction into Fort Dix, and factors limiting its spread and duration are unknown. The Fort Dix outbreak may have been caused by introduction of an animal virus into a stressed human population in close contact in crowded facilities during the winter. The swine influenza A virus collected from a Fort Dix soldier was named A/New Jersey/76 (Hsw1N1).
Is the H1N1 swine flu virus the same as human H1N1 viruses?
No. The H1N1 swine flu viruses are antigenically very different from human H1N1 viruses and, therefore, vaccines for human seasonal flu would not provide protection from H1N1 swine flu viruses.
Swine Flu in Pigs
How does swine flu spread among pigs?
Swine flu viruses are thought to be spread mostly through close contact among pigs and possibly from contaminated objects moving between infected and uninfected pigs. Herds with continuous swine flu infections and herds that are vaccinated against swine flu may have sporadic disease, or may show only mild or no symptoms of infection.
What are signs of swine flu in pigs?
Signs of swine flu in pigs can include sudden onset of fever, depression, coughing (barking), discharge from the nose or eyes, sneezing, breathing difficulties, eye redness or inflammation, and going off feed.
How common is swine flu among pigs?
H1N1 and H3N2 swine flu viruses are endemic among pig populations in the United States and something that the industry deals with routinely. Outbreaks among pigs normally occur in colder weather months (late fall and winter) and sometimes with the introduction of new pigs into susceptible herds. Studies have shown that the swine flu H1N1 is common throughout pig populations worldwide, with 25 percent of animals showing antibody evidence of infection. In the U.S. studies have shown that 30 percent of the pig population has antibody evidence of having had H1N1 infection. More specifically, 51 percent of pigs in the north-central U.S. have been shown to have antibody evidence of infection with swine H1N1. Human infections with swine flu H1N1 viruses are rare. There is currently no way to differentiate antibody produced in response to flu vaccination in pigs from antibody made in response to pig infections with swine H1N1 influenza.
While H1N1 swine viruses have been known to circulate among pig populations since at least 1930, H3N2 influenza viruses did not begin circulating among US pigs until 1998. The H3N2 viruses initially were introduced into the pig population from humans. The current swine flu H3N2 viruses are closely related to human H3N2 viruses.
Is there a vaccine for swine flu?
Vaccines are available to be given to pigs to prevent swine influenza. There is no vaccine to protect humans from swine flu. The seasonal influenza vaccine will likely help provide partial protection against swine H3N2, but not swine H1N1 viruses.
What is Swine Influenza?
Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza virus that regularly causes outbreaks of influenza in pigs. Swine flu viruses cause high levels of illness and low death rates in pigs. Swine influenza viruses may circulate among swine throughout the year, but most outbreaks occur during the late fall and winter months similar to outbreaks in humans. The classical swine flu virus (an influenza type A H1N1 virus) was first isolated from a pig in 1930.
How many swine flu viruses are there?
Like all influenza viruses, swine flu viruses change constantly. Pigs can be infected by avian influenza and human influenza viruses as well as swine influenza viruses. When influenza viruses from different species infect pigs, the viruses can reassort (i.e. swap genes) and new viruses that are a mix of swine, human and/or avian influenza viruses can emerge. Over the years, different variations of swine flu viruses have emerged. At this time, there are four main influenza type A virus subtypes that have been isolated in pigs: H1N1, H1N2, H3N2, and H3N1. However, most of the recently isolated influenza viruses from pigs have been H1N1 viruses.
Swine Flu in Humans
Can humans catch swine flu?
Swine flu viruses do not normally infect humans. However, sporadic human infections with swine flu have occurred. Most commonly, these cases occur in persons with direct exposure to pigs (e.g. children near pigs at a fair or workers in the swine industry). In addition, there have been documented cases of one person spreading swine flu to others. For example, an outbreak of apparent swine flu infection in pigs in Wisconsin in 1988 resulted in multiple human infections, and, although no community outbreak resulted, there was antibody evidence of virus transmission from the patient to health care workers who had close contact with the patient.
How common is swine flu infection in humans?
In the past, CDC received reports of approximately one human swine influenza virus infection every one to two years in the U.S., but from December 2005 through February 2009, 12 cases of human infection with swine influenza have been reported.
What are the symptoms of swine flu in humans?
The symptoms of swine flu in people are expected to be similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal influenza and include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and coughing. Some people with swine flu also have reported runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Can people catch swine flu from eating pork?
No. Swine influenza viruses are not transmitted by food. You can not get swine influenza from eating pork or pork products. Eating properly handled and cooked pork and pork products is safe. Cooking pork to an internal temperature of 160°F kills the swine flu virus as it does other bacteria and viruses.
How does swine flu spread?
Influenza viruses can be directly transmitted from pigs to people and from people to pigs. Human infection with flu viruses from pigs are most likely to occur when people are in close proximity to infected pigs, such as in pig barns and livestock exhibits housing pigs at fairs. Human-to-human transmission of swine flu can also occur. This is thought to occur in the same way as seasonal flu occurs in people, which is mainly person-to-person transmission through coughing or sneezing of people infected with the influenza virus. People may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose.
What do we know about human-to-human spread of swine flu?
In September 1988, a previously healthy 32-year-old pregnant woman was hospitalized for pneumonia and died 8 days later. A swine H1N1 flu virus was detected. Four days before getting sick, the patient visited a county fair swine exhibition where there was widespread influenza-like illness among the swine.
In follow-up studies, 76% of swine exhibitors tested had antibody evidence of swine flu infection but no serious illnesses were detected among this group. Additional studies suggest that one to three health care personnel who had contact with the patient developed mild influenza-like illnesses with antibody evidence of swine flu infection.
How can human infections with swine influenza be diagnosed?
To diagnose swine influenza A infection, a respiratory specimen would generally need to be collected within the first 4 to 5 days of illness (when an infected person is most likely to be shedding virus). However, some persons, especially children, may shed virus for 10 days or longer. Identification as a swine flu influenza A virus requires sending the specimen to CDC for laboratory testing.
What medications are available to treat swine flu infections in humans?
There are four different antiviral drugs that are licensed for use in the US for the treatment of influenza: amantadine, rimantadine, oseltamivir and zanamivir. While most swine influenza viruses have been susceptible to all four drugs, the most recent swine influenza viruses isolated from humans are resistant to amantadine and rimantadine. At this time, CDC recommends the use of oseltamivir or zanamivir for the treatment and/or prevention of infection with swine influenza viruses.
What other examples of swine flu outbreaks are there?
Probably the most well known is an outbreak of swine flu among soldiers in Fort Dix, New Jersey in 1976. The virus caused disease with x-ray evidence of pneumonia in at least 4 soldiers and 1 death; all of these patients had previously been healthy. The virus was transmitted to close contacts in a basic training environment, with limited transmission outside the basic training group. The virus is thought to have circulated for a month and disappeared. The source of the virus, the exact time of its introduction into Fort Dix, and factors limiting its spread and duration are unknown. The Fort Dix outbreak may have been caused by introduction of an animal virus into a stressed human population in close contact in crowded facilities during the winter. The swine influenza A virus collected from a Fort Dix soldier was named A/New Jersey/76 (Hsw1N1).
Is the H1N1 swine flu virus the same as human H1N1 viruses?
No. The H1N1 swine flu viruses are antigenically very different from human H1N1 viruses and, therefore, vaccines for human seasonal flu would not provide protection from H1N1 swine flu viruses.
Swine Flu in Pigs
How does swine flu spread among pigs?
Swine flu viruses are thought to be spread mostly through close contact among pigs and possibly from contaminated objects moving between infected and uninfected pigs. Herds with continuous swine flu infections and herds that are vaccinated against swine flu may have sporadic disease, or may show only mild or no symptoms of infection.
What are signs of swine flu in pigs?
Signs of swine flu in pigs can include sudden onset of fever, depression, coughing (barking), discharge from the nose or eyes, sneezing, breathing difficulties, eye redness or inflammation, and going off feed.
How common is swine flu among pigs?
H1N1 and H3N2 swine flu viruses are endemic among pig populations in the United States and something that the industry deals with routinely. Outbreaks among pigs normally occur in colder weather months (late fall and winter) and sometimes with the introduction of new pigs into susceptible herds. Studies have shown that the swine flu H1N1 is common throughout pig populations worldwide, with 25 percent of animals showing antibody evidence of infection. In the U.S. studies have shown that 30 percent of the pig population has antibody evidence of having had H1N1 infection. More specifically, 51 percent of pigs in the north-central U.S. have been shown to have antibody evidence of infection with swine H1N1. Human infections with swine flu H1N1 viruses are rare. There is currently no way to differentiate antibody produced in response to flu vaccination in pigs from antibody made in response to pig infections with swine H1N1 influenza.
While H1N1 swine viruses have been known to circulate among pig populations since at least 1930, H3N2 influenza viruses did not begin circulating among US pigs until 1998. The H3N2 viruses initially were introduced into the pig population from humans. The current swine flu H3N2 viruses are closely related to human H3N2 viruses.
Is there a vaccine for swine flu?
Vaccines are available to be given to pigs to prevent swine influenza. There is no vaccine to protect humans from swine flu. The seasonal influenza vaccine will likely help provide partial protection against swine H3N2, but not swine H1N1 viruses.
Friday, April 17, 2009
What is SEO?
What is SEO?
Search engine optimization is the activity of improving the volume and quality of real time traffic to web pages or whole sites from search engines through natural search results for targeted keywords. Most often a website that gets a higher position or ranking in the search results is the one which the searchers will visit more frequently. Therefore, it is important that a site is optimized to get real time traffic the right way to make it more search-engine friendly and get a higher rank in the search results. Sven Mathura
Though SEO helps in boosting real time traffic to a website, it should not be considered as the marketing of the site. It may be easy for one to pay and appear in the paid search results for a set of keywords, however, the concept behind the SEO technique is to get the topmost ranking without paying since your site is relevant to the search query entered by the user. suen mathura
The amount of time that can be spent on optimizing a website to get real time traffic can range from a few minutes to a long term activity. If your product or service is such that the keywords used are uncommon, then some general SEO would be sufficient to get a top rating. However, if your product or service industry is competitive or is in a saturated market, then it is important to dedicate considerable amount of time and effort for SEO. Even if one decides on simple SEO solutions, it is necessary to understand how search engine algorithms work and which items are crucial in SEO to get real time traffic.
The marketing approach that SEO adopts for increasing a site’s relevance is consideration of how search engines work and what searches are performed by users. The SEO process attempts to concentrate its efforts on a site’s coding, presentation, structuring, and also resolving issues that prevent search engine indexing program from spidering a website entirely.
Additionally, SEO efforts also include inserting unique content to web pages to make it more attractive to users and also to ensure that the search engine robots can easily index the content. Optimizing a site to get real time traffic can either be done by in house personnel or outsourced to professional optimizers who carry out SEO projects as a stand-alone service, like us - SEO Traffic Spider.
SEO tactics can be varied to achieve top ranking in search results. These fall into three categories (White-Hat SEO, Grey-Hat SEO, and Black-Hat SEO) depending on legitimacy and ethics.
White Hat SEO uses strategies which are considered ethically correct and legitimate by SEO’s as well as search engines while spidering a site. It would be best to use this tactic as a means of achieving top ranking in the search results for real time traffic. These tactics will not lead to penalties which are generally imposed when Black Hat SEO is used and even though it may take some amount of time to reap the rewards of this process, it will surely bring in promising results in terms of high rakings.
Grey Hat SEO uses tactics which may be considered legitimate if they are used correctly. However, these have been subjected to misuse by unethical SEO’s and webmasters. It is possible that your website will not get penalized or banned for using this strategy and it may be necessary to use this process at times, however, webmasters are careful in the use of these tactics. This is because search engines may penalize tactics that are subjected to abuse even though they are used in legitimate forms.
Black Hat SEO employs techniques that are considered illegitimate and ethically incorrect and which have been or will surely be penalized and cause your website to be banned by search engines. Since Black Hat SEO is subject to abuse widely because it tends to harm search engine user experience, it is highly recommended to avoid using it as a means of attaining high ranking.
Search engine optimization is the activity of improving the volume and quality of real time traffic to web pages or whole sites from search engines through natural search results for targeted keywords. Most often a website that gets a higher position or ranking in the search results is the one which the searchers will visit more frequently. Therefore, it is important that a site is optimized to get real time traffic the right way to make it more search-engine friendly and get a higher rank in the search results. Sven Mathura
Though SEO helps in boosting real time traffic to a website, it should not be considered as the marketing of the site. It may be easy for one to pay and appear in the paid search results for a set of keywords, however, the concept behind the SEO technique is to get the topmost ranking without paying since your site is relevant to the search query entered by the user. suen mathura
The amount of time that can be spent on optimizing a website to get real time traffic can range from a few minutes to a long term activity. If your product or service is such that the keywords used are uncommon, then some general SEO would be sufficient to get a top rating. However, if your product or service industry is competitive or is in a saturated market, then it is important to dedicate considerable amount of time and effort for SEO. Even if one decides on simple SEO solutions, it is necessary to understand how search engine algorithms work and which items are crucial in SEO to get real time traffic.
The marketing approach that SEO adopts for increasing a site’s relevance is consideration of how search engines work and what searches are performed by users. The SEO process attempts to concentrate its efforts on a site’s coding, presentation, structuring, and also resolving issues that prevent search engine indexing program from spidering a website entirely.
Additionally, SEO efforts also include inserting unique content to web pages to make it more attractive to users and also to ensure that the search engine robots can easily index the content. Optimizing a site to get real time traffic can either be done by in house personnel or outsourced to professional optimizers who carry out SEO projects as a stand-alone service, like us - SEO Traffic Spider.
SEO tactics can be varied to achieve top ranking in search results. These fall into three categories (White-Hat SEO, Grey-Hat SEO, and Black-Hat SEO) depending on legitimacy and ethics.
White Hat SEO uses strategies which are considered ethically correct and legitimate by SEO’s as well as search engines while spidering a site. It would be best to use this tactic as a means of achieving top ranking in the search results for real time traffic. These tactics will not lead to penalties which are generally imposed when Black Hat SEO is used and even though it may take some amount of time to reap the rewards of this process, it will surely bring in promising results in terms of high rakings.
Grey Hat SEO uses tactics which may be considered legitimate if they are used correctly. However, these have been subjected to misuse by unethical SEO’s and webmasters. It is possible that your website will not get penalized or banned for using this strategy and it may be necessary to use this process at times, however, webmasters are careful in the use of these tactics. This is because search engines may penalize tactics that are subjected to abuse even though they are used in legitimate forms.
Black Hat SEO employs techniques that are considered illegitimate and ethically incorrect and which have been or will surely be penalized and cause your website to be banned by search engines. Since Black Hat SEO is subject to abuse widely because it tends to harm search engine user experience, it is highly recommended to avoid using it as a means of attaining high ranking.
mathura sven,
suen mathura,
Organic SEO Vs. PPC War
Today online advertising has become one of the most basic mediums to promote a business and make your presence felt in the market. The need of the hour is to draw customers to your website by creating successful campaigns coupled with unique ideas and quality products and services.
Since the concept of online business has taken a front foot in the competitive market, it is important for businesses to realize that they need to dedicate their time and efforts more towards website advertising and marketing.
You may be in a quandary as to which technique to employ for advertising your website. First, before you employ any technique to promote your site, the golden rule is to clearly define goals that you wish to achieve. This will guide you in selecting techniques more appropriately and help you maximize your results within your budget.
Regarding the techniques, there are two options that have gained a lot of popularity in the recent times. These are:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engine optimization is the activity of improving the volume and quality of real time traffic to your site by optimizing your web pages. The SEO technique involves getting the topmost ranking without paying since your site is relevant to the search query entered by the user.
Pay Per Click (PPC)
This is an advertising model which requires an advertiser to pay when a user clicks on the ad. Advertisers select keywords that they want to run on and which are relevant to their business and then bid on these keywords. Bids may vary from keyword to keyword depending on how important and relevant the keyword is for the business. The advertiser’s ad shows under the sponsored links when a user types in a search query which matches the advertiser’s keyword.
Many times some commercial websites make use of both these options simultaneously to advertise their website. This is also a smart option as it not only leads to better website exposure and visibility but also ensures a better ranking and real time traffic to your site. However, gaining a better understanding of both these methods by analyzing their pros and cons can help you gauge which technique would be more suitable for you and is in align with your business objectives.
Search Engine Optimization Pros
More Credibility – By showing on top of search results you can enjoy more credibility because real time traffic and popularity is achieved by putting in lot of time and effort. The ranking is achieved purely on the basis of quality content and relevance.
Free Placement – Unlike PPC, you do not have to pay for the clicks you receive from organic search results. Getting on the top position is a matter of how well you optimize your site in relation to your competitors. It also saves you money in the long run once the process takes off well.
Improved Website Ranking –SEO also helps you attain a better site ranking with little effort. You can also hire SEO professionals like SEO Traffic Spider who can carry out the optimization task on your behalf which will reap you the benefits in the long run.
Qualified Traffic – You can expect a good amount of qualified real time traffic to your site as a result of increased recognition of search engines.
Long Lasting Results – The results you achieve from this method are more lasting and stable. Also, it gives you a much higher return on your investment. This is because usually users tend to click on organic search results when compared to PPC ads and this brings more traffic for less.
Search Engine Optimization Cons
Time Consuming – SEO is a complicated task and requires enormous amount of time and effort to implement it the right way. Sometimes it may also require you to completely modify the structure, layout, presentation, or content of your website to make it search engine friendly and also enhance user experience.
Results May Take Time – The true impact of SEO efforts cannot be known immediately. It will not give you instant results in terms of traffic and may take some time for your site to get the desired traffic. This time gap may affect your profitability till the time you start seeing true results.
Pay Per Click Pros
Instant results – This method brings you immediate results in terms of traffic, leads, or sales. In a matter of few hours or days you can begin to show on top of the sponsored links and enjoy the benefits of increased traffic flow.
Appropriate for Temporary Offers – This would be an ideal option for those who want to gain an entry into the online market for a short term or for those with temporary product/service offerings. This is because they can hope to gain better visibility and exposure by bidding higher on keywords rather than waiting for SEO to be implemented and return results.
Easy to Implement – PPC can be easily implemented without devoting much time and effort to it when compared to SEO. It also enables the advertiser to experiment with different keywords and landing pages to see what works best. You can also bid on a variety of keywords that you want to run on and which cannot be practically placed in your web pages when implementing SEO.
Pay Per Click Cons
Expensive – It is an expensive option as it eats up on your profit margins. Also, you end up paying even for clicks that may not convert into sales. Additionally, in case of click fraud, you may end up wasting a considerable amount of your budget on fraudulent clicks.
A thorough analysis of the pros and cons of both these approaches will help you decide which option would be more suitable for your advertising needs. However, the main highlight here is that PPC serves well as a short term strategy over SEO. It is a good option for those looking for quick results and a good ROI while waiting for their SEO initiative to ramp up. However, using the PPC model will leave you with thinner profit margins. From the long term perspective, search engine optimization will bring in higher profitability and make the most of your advertising dollars as it will extensively increase your margins in the long run.
Since the concept of online business has taken a front foot in the competitive market, it is important for businesses to realize that they need to dedicate their time and efforts more towards website advertising and marketing.
You may be in a quandary as to which technique to employ for advertising your website. First, before you employ any technique to promote your site, the golden rule is to clearly define goals that you wish to achieve. This will guide you in selecting techniques more appropriately and help you maximize your results within your budget.
Regarding the techniques, there are two options that have gained a lot of popularity in the recent times. These are:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engine optimization is the activity of improving the volume and quality of real time traffic to your site by optimizing your web pages. The SEO technique involves getting the topmost ranking without paying since your site is relevant to the search query entered by the user.
Pay Per Click (PPC)
This is an advertising model which requires an advertiser to pay when a user clicks on the ad. Advertisers select keywords that they want to run on and which are relevant to their business and then bid on these keywords. Bids may vary from keyword to keyword depending on how important and relevant the keyword is for the business. The advertiser’s ad shows under the sponsored links when a user types in a search query which matches the advertiser’s keyword.
Many times some commercial websites make use of both these options simultaneously to advertise their website. This is also a smart option as it not only leads to better website exposure and visibility but also ensures a better ranking and real time traffic to your site. However, gaining a better understanding of both these methods by analyzing their pros and cons can help you gauge which technique would be more suitable for you and is in align with your business objectives.
Search Engine Optimization Pros
More Credibility – By showing on top of search results you can enjoy more credibility because real time traffic and popularity is achieved by putting in lot of time and effort. The ranking is achieved purely on the basis of quality content and relevance.
Free Placement – Unlike PPC, you do not have to pay for the clicks you receive from organic search results. Getting on the top position is a matter of how well you optimize your site in relation to your competitors. It also saves you money in the long run once the process takes off well.
Improved Website Ranking –SEO also helps you attain a better site ranking with little effort. You can also hire SEO professionals like SEO Traffic Spider who can carry out the optimization task on your behalf which will reap you the benefits in the long run.
Qualified Traffic – You can expect a good amount of qualified real time traffic to your site as a result of increased recognition of search engines.
Long Lasting Results – The results you achieve from this method are more lasting and stable. Also, it gives you a much higher return on your investment. This is because usually users tend to click on organic search results when compared to PPC ads and this brings more traffic for less.
Search Engine Optimization Cons
Time Consuming – SEO is a complicated task and requires enormous amount of time and effort to implement it the right way. Sometimes it may also require you to completely modify the structure, layout, presentation, or content of your website to make it search engine friendly and also enhance user experience.
Results May Take Time – The true impact of SEO efforts cannot be known immediately. It will not give you instant results in terms of traffic and may take some time for your site to get the desired traffic. This time gap may affect your profitability till the time you start seeing true results.
Pay Per Click Pros
Instant results – This method brings you immediate results in terms of traffic, leads, or sales. In a matter of few hours or days you can begin to show on top of the sponsored links and enjoy the benefits of increased traffic flow.
Appropriate for Temporary Offers – This would be an ideal option for those who want to gain an entry into the online market for a short term or for those with temporary product/service offerings. This is because they can hope to gain better visibility and exposure by bidding higher on keywords rather than waiting for SEO to be implemented and return results.
Easy to Implement – PPC can be easily implemented without devoting much time and effort to it when compared to SEO. It also enables the advertiser to experiment with different keywords and landing pages to see what works best. You can also bid on a variety of keywords that you want to run on and which cannot be practically placed in your web pages when implementing SEO.
Pay Per Click Cons
Expensive – It is an expensive option as it eats up on your profit margins. Also, you end up paying even for clicks that may not convert into sales. Additionally, in case of click fraud, you may end up wasting a considerable amount of your budget on fraudulent clicks.
A thorough analysis of the pros and cons of both these approaches will help you decide which option would be more suitable for your advertising needs. However, the main highlight here is that PPC serves well as a short term strategy over SEO. It is a good option for those looking for quick results and a good ROI while waiting for their SEO initiative to ramp up. However, using the PPC model will leave you with thinner profit margins. From the long term perspective, search engine optimization will bring in higher profitability and make the most of your advertising dollars as it will extensively increase your margins in the long run.
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Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Co-Branding During the Economic Downturn: Building Partnerships That Work
As the economic climate remains grim, have you noticed that more people are jumping onto the ‘relationship’ bandwagon? This recently came to my attention while meeting with a new company to discuss how our businesses could help each other. All they talked about was their business, and after about an hour they finally asked; “Well what do you do?” That was the wakeup call for me.
It’s great to know that many people are reaching out to work with you, and connecting and networking with other businesses are essential for building a successful business. However, I wonder that if the economy was in a better state, would people still be willing to work together? Once we are out of the recession, will those same businesses still see the value in forming relationships and networking with other companies?
It seems that everyone is using the word relationship, (the “R” word) these days, but I don’t think many businesses really get it. Building a relationship with other businesses isn’t simply about saying it, but that there is real, genuine effort behind it. Relationships that are built on mutual agreements, understanding and an honest connection that benefits both parties involved are the ones that survive through both bad and good economic times. Nurturing a relationship takes time, and it doesn’t happen with just one phone call or one meeting.
Another situation where I witnessed the “R” word phenomena was during an event to showcase businesses in the event industry. One of the vendors there was clearly upset and after about 15 minutes of ranting and complaining, she says, “We need to work together and build a strong relationship.” It left me wondering if she really meant it, or was just saying it for the sake of ‘relationship building.’
The reason my business has been so successful so far is because of the sold business relationships and connections I’ve made with other vendors and business owners. While I do agree that we should be working together, pooling our resources and collaborating on projects and ideas, I also think it’s important to team up with companies that aren’t just looking for a quick fix. Companies that are looking for a partnership through the long haul will be the ones that truly are the best fit for your business. If you are the type of business owner who keeps hearing the word ‘relationship’, you need to step back and take a real look into the other company’s approach and genuineness behind it. You must also share some of the responsibility of this relationship. Ask yourself if you feel a solid connection and are truly engaged with the other business owner, and interested in what they do. If you are not, this won’t be a relationship that will be worth pursuing for the long-term.
Business relationships must be seen as long-term investments. Both parties must be willing to invest the time and effort into promoting and helping the other business as needed, and sometimes, the other company may simply not be the right fit. If the company’s objectives and goals are similar to your own, there’s a good chance that the relationship will benefit both parties.
A few important questions to ask, include:
• Do you have similar target markets?
• Will the relationship be short or long-term?
• How can both businesses benefit from working together?
• What are your short and long-term goals?
• Are expectations for the relationship clear?
It’s great to know that many people are reaching out to work with you, and connecting and networking with other businesses are essential for building a successful business. However, I wonder that if the economy was in a better state, would people still be willing to work together? Once we are out of the recession, will those same businesses still see the value in forming relationships and networking with other companies?
It seems that everyone is using the word relationship, (the “R” word) these days, but I don’t think many businesses really get it. Building a relationship with other businesses isn’t simply about saying it, but that there is real, genuine effort behind it. Relationships that are built on mutual agreements, understanding and an honest connection that benefits both parties involved are the ones that survive through both bad and good economic times. Nurturing a relationship takes time, and it doesn’t happen with just one phone call or one meeting.
Another situation where I witnessed the “R” word phenomena was during an event to showcase businesses in the event industry. One of the vendors there was clearly upset and after about 15 minutes of ranting and complaining, she says, “We need to work together and build a strong relationship.” It left me wondering if she really meant it, or was just saying it for the sake of ‘relationship building.’
The reason my business has been so successful so far is because of the sold business relationships and connections I’ve made with other vendors and business owners. While I do agree that we should be working together, pooling our resources and collaborating on projects and ideas, I also think it’s important to team up with companies that aren’t just looking for a quick fix. Companies that are looking for a partnership through the long haul will be the ones that truly are the best fit for your business. If you are the type of business owner who keeps hearing the word ‘relationship’, you need to step back and take a real look into the other company’s approach and genuineness behind it. You must also share some of the responsibility of this relationship. Ask yourself if you feel a solid connection and are truly engaged with the other business owner, and interested in what they do. If you are not, this won’t be a relationship that will be worth pursuing for the long-term.
Business relationships must be seen as long-term investments. Both parties must be willing to invest the time and effort into promoting and helping the other business as needed, and sometimes, the other company may simply not be the right fit. If the company’s objectives and goals are similar to your own, there’s a good chance that the relationship will benefit both parties.
A few important questions to ask, include:
• Do you have similar target markets?
• Will the relationship be short or long-term?
• How can both businesses benefit from working together?
• What are your short and long-term goals?
• Are expectations for the relationship clear?
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Most Popular Professions Annual Salary Degree Needed
Most Popular Professions Annual Salary Degree Needed
Medical Billing/Coder $31,236 per year* Healthcare Degrees - Learn More
Computer Software Engineer $84,310 per year Technology Degrees - Learn More
Accountant $58,020 per year Business Degrees - Learn More
Paralegal $43,510 per year Legal/Paralegal Degrees - Learn More
Police & Sherriff's Officer $47,270 per year Criminal Justice Degrees - Learn More
Secondary School Teacher $49,400 per year Education/Teaching Degrees - Learn More
Family Therapist $45,550 per year Human Services Degrees - Learn More
Graphic Designer $42,530 per year Art & Design Degrees - Learn More
sven mathura
Medical Billing/Coder $31,236 per year* Healthcare Degrees - Learn More
Computer Software Engineer $84,310 per year Technology Degrees - Learn More
Accountant $58,020 per year Business Degrees - Learn More
Paralegal $43,510 per year Legal/Paralegal Degrees - Learn More
Police & Sherriff's Officer $47,270 per year Criminal Justice Degrees - Learn More
Secondary School Teacher $49,400 per year Education/Teaching Degrees - Learn More
Family Therapist $45,550 per year Human Services Degrees - Learn More
Graphic Designer $42,530 per year Art & Design Degrees - Learn More
sven mathura
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Google Analytics Not Tracking AdWords Data Properly?
Thanks to Search Engine Roundtable for:
There is a thread at WebmasterWorld and several in the Google Analytics Help forum with complaints that Google Analytics is no longer tracking Google AdWords data properly.
The WebmasterWorld thread has this complaint:
In two of my analytics accounts for sites which I use adwords to drive traffic all of the data is being recorded as direct and not google(cpc)…and it not reporting any traffic from adwords (which my wallet tells my otherwise!)It is only for the past two days including today. Is anyone else seeing this? Is it a glitch?
The simple answer is that in February, Google notified us that we need to link our analytics account to our AdWords accounts to pass this information. So if you have not done so, and your Analytics data is looking a bit empty, go ahead and link up those accounts. Brad has a good post explaining how to link up your accounts.
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld and Google Analytics Help.
There is a thread at WebmasterWorld and several in the Google Analytics Help forum with complaints that Google Analytics is no longer tracking Google AdWords data properly.
The WebmasterWorld thread has this complaint:
In two of my analytics accounts for sites which I use adwords to drive traffic all of the data is being recorded as direct and not google(cpc)…and it not reporting any traffic from adwords (which my wallet tells my otherwise!)It is only for the past two days including today. Is anyone else seeing this? Is it a glitch?
The simple answer is that in February, Google notified us that we need to link our analytics account to our AdWords accounts to pass this information. So if you have not done so, and your Analytics data is looking a bit empty, go ahead and link up those accounts. Brad has a good post explaining how to link up your accounts.
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld and Google Analytics Help.
google key words,
how to blog,
pay per click help
Speacialized SEO hosting. How to win the SEO game.
caribbeaninternationaltrading is a hosting firm that specializes in SEO hosting.
Our specialized hosting is extremely effective for back linking and micro sites.
It is especially beneficial because from one server our clients can enjoy geographical diversity with IP ranges from various providers in multiple cities and countries.
Pricing depends on server and IP configuration:
Shared IP's on a shared server
Dedicated IP's on a shared server
Dedicated IP's on a dedicated server
Below is a brief overview of the caribbeaninternationaltrading Hosting Network:
Get 1 IP from 750 different Class C's with minimal logins
Geographical diversity
Located in 87 data centers around the world
Collocation server rooms are all Tier 1 solutions
Lines available in US, Canada and Europe
Data centers are all backed up by multiple generators with 10,000 gallons of diesel, diverse power grids and Fiber routes
Please let me know what your needs are and we can build it. The best thing to do is to set up a time for us to speak in more detail.
Thank you and I look forward to working with you.
Sven Mathura
Elis Mathura
Our specialized hosting is extremely effective for back linking and micro sites.
It is especially beneficial because from one server our clients can enjoy geographical diversity with IP ranges from various providers in multiple cities and countries.
Pricing depends on server and IP configuration:
Shared IP's on a shared server
Dedicated IP's on a shared server
Dedicated IP's on a dedicated server
Below is a brief overview of the caribbeaninternationaltrading Hosting Network:
Get 1 IP from 750 different Class C's with minimal logins
Geographical diversity
Located in 87 data centers around the world
Collocation server rooms are all Tier 1 solutions
Lines available in US, Canada and Europe
Data centers are all backed up by multiple generators with 10,000 gallons of diesel, diverse power grids and Fiber routes
Please let me know what your needs are and we can build it. The best thing to do is to set up a time for us to speak in more detail.
Thank you and I look forward to working with you.
Sven Mathura
Elis Mathura
seo search marketing
Are Twitter & Facebook Overexposed?
Are you tired of hearing about social networking? Or are you still actively involved? Do you feel pressure to join social networks but don't want to? Do you feel that Twitter and Facebook are overexposed to the point that they are no longer "cool", and have lost their "geek-cred"? Please feel free to supply me with your own stories for an article I am putting together, and let me know if I can use your name and contact info? and perhaps contact you at a later date for interview?
sven mathura
sven mathura
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Brand Experience Vs Customer Retention
Brand Experience Vs Customer Retention
"Real world dynamics, competition and me-too products and services however act as spoilers in the marketing space. Consumers too have become more brand-savvy and with increased brand expectations, it’s becoming tougher for marketers to deliver on their brand promise to potential and existing customers. So, what’s the way out for marketers?"
To read more visit
CMO sven mathura Free Consultation
"Real world dynamics, competition and me-too products and services however act as spoilers in the marketing space. Consumers too have become more brand-savvy and with increased brand expectations, it’s becoming tougher for marketers to deliver on their brand promise to potential and existing customers. So, what’s the way out for marketers?"
To read more visit
CMO sven mathura Free Consultation
SPAM Ebay partnership offer
careful this spam
From: Maksim Orlov (
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk
Sent: Wed 4/01/09 5:27 PM
Good morning, We've found your e-mail at web site and we have business proposal for you. As I seeyou have high positive feedback rating and have good experience in online business, so I think we cando business together.Our company "Nbstock",resell computers,digital cameras,elecronics and other goods in Russian Federation,You can check our web site to familiraze with our company - www.nbstock.ruWe offer for our customers to buy goods directly from US stores it more cheaper then buy in Russian Local dealers.Also we prepare goods from USA after we receive them in our warehouse. Custom clearance and localithation( install Russian Software put Russin symbols on keyboard), so our customers recieve ready for use products and price cheaper then buy from local dealers. Quantity of orders from USA stores grows every day. So we need more partners in USA for order processing.You are selling goods on ebay and you have good experience with shipping procedure Requirements:- Home Computer with e-mail account and ability to check your e-mailbox at least twice a day;- Adults only accepted (we cannot hire underage people);- Contact phone;- Ability to handle packages weight up to 20 pounds(get them to the post office). Duty:- Receive packages- Check content for damages and missing parts (to avoid international returns)- Ship packages Salary: 30$ for each shipped package;10$ for cheking content of package;10$ for each repacking procedure; This work will take about 1-2 h day, you not need invest any your money, all postage fees pays our company. If you interested in this partnership please email me : Best wishes Maksim Orlov
From: Maksim Orlov (
You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk
Sent: Wed 4/01/09 5:27 PM
Good morning, We've found your e-mail at web site and we have business proposal for you. As I seeyou have high positive feedback rating and have good experience in online business, so I think we cando business together.Our company "Nbstock",resell computers,digital cameras,elecronics and other goods in Russian Federation,You can check our web site to familiraze with our company - www.nbstock.ruWe offer for our customers to buy goods directly from US stores it more cheaper then buy in Russian Local dealers.Also we prepare goods from USA after we receive them in our warehouse. Custom clearance and localithation( install Russian Software put Russin symbols on keyboard), so our customers recieve ready for use products and price cheaper then buy from local dealers. Quantity of orders from USA stores grows every day. So we need more partners in USA for order processing.You are selling goods on ebay and you have good experience with shipping procedure Requirements:- Home Computer with e-mail account and ability to check your e-mailbox at least twice a day;- Adults only accepted (we cannot hire underage people);- Contact phone;- Ability to handle packages weight up to 20 pounds(get them to the post office). Duty:- Receive packages- Check content for damages and missing parts (to avoid international returns)- Ship packages Salary: 30$ for each shipped package;10$ for cheking content of package;10$ for each repacking procedure; This work will take about 1-2 h day, you not need invest any your money, all postage fees pays our company. If you interested in this partnership please email me : Best wishes Maksim Orlov
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Does your business have a SEO Strategic Plan?
Does your business have a SEO Strategic Plan?
All too often SEO / SEM programs are completed in a haphazard manner.
Has your company developed a comprehensive SEO / SEM Strategic Plan?
If so, has it worked for you and what would you do different next time?
SEO Strategic Planning – The Basics:
All too often SEO / SEM programs are completed in a haphazard manner.
Has your company developed a comprehensive SEO / SEM Strategic Plan?
If so, has it worked for you and what would you do different next time?
SEO Strategic Planning – The Basics:
Email: by sven mathura

Our Mission
To delight our customers by providing world class beverages and services while attaining an exceptional return to our stakeholders.
Our Vision
To dominate our markets with world class beverages.
History of Brewing in TNT
The brewing of beer in Trinidad and Tobago was inherited from the British. The first commercial brewery was founded just after World War 1 although there had been legislation as early as August 1899 concerning the regulation of brewing.
It is known that a Mr. Walters began the brewing of beer on a commercial scale just after World War 1 with a capacity around 3000-5000 hectoliters a year, which is extremely small by today's comparisons. Walters' Trinidad Brewing Company produced Royal Lion Ale, Royal Extra Stout and Black Velvet Stout during the depression years.
After the war, Sir Gerald Wight, then Chairman of Alstons and Company Limited (now McEnearney Alstons Limited), saw the need and opportunity to expand local industry from the traditional sugar and oil-based economy. He pushed for the establishment of a new brewery and a Glassworks factory and in July of 1947, the Caribbean Development Company Limited (CDC) was formed with Sir Gerald Wight as its Chairman. The Brewery started with an initial payroll of seven (7) persons.
In September 1950, the Brewery launched its own beer, Carib Lager beer, before which foreign imported beers were available to the population. However, with the advent of Carib, the imported beers began to disappear from the market, as Carib's popularity increased. In 1957, CDC acquired the brewing plant and interests of Walters' Brewery. By 1957, therefore, CDC was the sole brewer and bottler of beer and stout in Trinidad.
In 1972, the Brewery acquired more land and brewhouse equipment, increasing its capacity to over 250,000hl per year. It expanded its product range into the dark malt drink market launching Malta Carib in 1973. This was the first non-alcoholic drink to be produced by the Brewery, directed to health conscious individuals. Next, followed Shandy Carib in 1985, which was an effort to capitalize on the popular indigenous custom of mixing beer and other flavoured drinks.
As early as 1983 the brewery facilities were expanded to facilitate the increasing demand locally, as well as exports to international destinations. New brands and flavours, (including Stag Lager beer, Smalta and Shandy Lime), were developed and launched over time, moving the company from one pinnacle of success to another.
The Brewery has over time, formed partnerships with International Companies such as Guinness, Interbrew, Carlsberg, Ginseng-Up Corp and Diageo, and as a result several international brands are produced under license for local and export consumption. These include Guinness stout, Mackeson stout, Ginseng-Up, Carlsberg beer and Smirnoff Ice.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Mr. Richard Da Silva Jardine President
Jardine Re International, Inc. is a Reinsurance Broker established on January 16, 1998 in Miami, Florida, U.S.A. by Richard Guillermo Da Silva Jardine. Our firm is licensed by the State of Florida and operates in accordance with the Florida Department of Insurance Provisions. We provide technical assistance services to our clients by placing their reinsurance business with professional classified reinsurers in the international market.Jardine Re also provides to insurance companies its professional capacity in Bond business, not only in the reinsurance operations, but also in assessment with regards to the concepts and basic principles of guarantees contracted by international practice.Our main office is located in Miami, Florida, which permits us to maintain close contact with our Latin American and Caribbean markets. We also have an office in Caracas, Venezuela, addressing all business emanating from that country. Jardine Re has been tribunalized by Lloyd’s of London and is a Lloyd’s correspondent for Full Binding Authorities.
Mr. Richard Da Silva Jardine President
Mr. Richard Da Silva Jardine President BY Sven mathura
Jardine Re International, Inc.
By Sven mathura
Company Profile:
Jardine Re International, Inc. is a Reinsurance Broker established on January 16, 1998 in Miami, Florida, U.S.A. by Richard Guillermo Da Silva Jardine. Our firm is licensed by the State of Florida and operates in accordance with the Florida Department of Insurance Provisions. We provide technical assistance services to our clients by placing their reinsurance business with professional classified reinsurers in the international market.Jardine Re also provides to insurance companies its professional capacity in Bond business, not only in the reinsurance operations, but also in assessment with regards to the concepts and basic principles of guarantees contracted by international practice.Our main office is located in Miami, Florida, which permits us to maintain close contact with our Latin American and Caribbean markets. We also have an office in Caracas, Venezuela, addressing all business emanating from that country. Jardine Re has been tribunalized by Lloyd’s of London and is a Lloyd’s correspondent for Full Binding Authorities.
Company Profile:
Jardine Re International, Inc. is a Reinsurance Broker established on January 16, 1998 in Miami, Florida, U.S.A. by Richard Guillermo Da Silva Jardine. Our firm is licensed by the State of Florida and operates in accordance with the Florida Department of Insurance Provisions. We provide technical assistance services to our clients by placing their reinsurance business with professional classified reinsurers in the international market.Jardine Re also provides to insurance companies its professional capacity in Bond business, not only in the reinsurance operations, but also in assessment with regards to the concepts and basic principles of guarantees contracted by international practice.Our main office is located in Miami, Florida, which permits us to maintain close contact with our Latin American and Caribbean markets. We also have an office in Caracas, Venezuela, addressing all business emanating from that country. Jardine Re has been tribunalized by Lloyd’s of London and is a Lloyd’s correspondent for Full Binding Authorities.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Small Group Ministries...
Men's Groups
Edwin Pacheco (Spanish Group)
Carol City, Fl 33147
Every other Saturday @ 7:00PM
Jules Derosier
Pembroke Pines, Fl 33024
Every 3rd & 4th Saturday @ 7:00PM
Ivan Aburto
Miramar, Fl 33025
Every 1st & 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00PM
Bobby Pacheco
Miramar, Fl 33025
Every 2nd and 3rd Saturday@ 7:00PM
Joubert Duval (Creole/French)
Pembroke Pines, Fl 33028
Donovan Small
Every 2nd and 4th Saturday @7:00PM
Anand Singh
Miramar, Fl 33025
Every other Tuesday @ 7PM
Gino Diaz
Hollywood, Fl 33024
Every 2nd and 4th Saturday @ 1 PM
Women's Groups
Gail Grant
Church Fellowship Hall
1st & 3rd Monday @ 7:30PM
Bobbi Dragone
Hollywood, Fl 33024
Every other Monday @ 7:30PM
Rose Benjamin
N. Miami Bch, Fl 33162
Every other Monday @ 7:30 PM
Blanca Moore (Spanish Group)
Miramar, Fl 33023
1st Monday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Single Parents Group
Pat Garriques
Church Fellowship Hall
3 rd Saturday of every month
The LINK - Young Adults Group
For those between the ages of 18 & 35
Church Fellowship Hall
Tuesdays @ 6:30PM
Pastor Jose Pagan
For more info on click here.
Married with Young Children
Nelson and Lissette Telemaco
Weston, Fl
3rd Sat of each month
(Babysitting is provided)
Edwin Pacheco (Spanish Group)
Carol City, Fl 33147
Every other Saturday @ 7:00PM
Jules Derosier
Pembroke Pines, Fl 33024
Every 3rd & 4th Saturday @ 7:00PM
Ivan Aburto
Miramar, Fl 33025
Every 1st & 2nd Tuesday @ 7:00PM
Bobby Pacheco
Miramar, Fl 33025
Every 2nd and 3rd Saturday@ 7:00PM
Joubert Duval (Creole/French)
Pembroke Pines, Fl 33028
Donovan Small
Every 2nd and 4th Saturday @7:00PM
Anand Singh
Miramar, Fl 33025
Every other Tuesday @ 7PM
Gino Diaz
Hollywood, Fl 33024
Every 2nd and 4th Saturday @ 1 PM
Women's Groups
Gail Grant
Church Fellowship Hall
1st & 3rd Monday @ 7:30PM
Bobbi Dragone
Hollywood, Fl 33024
Every other Monday @ 7:30PM
Rose Benjamin
N. Miami Bch, Fl 33162
Every other Monday @ 7:30 PM
Blanca Moore (Spanish Group)
Miramar, Fl 33023
1st Monday of each month @ 7:30 PM
Single Parents Group
Pat Garriques
Church Fellowship Hall
3 rd Saturday of every month
The LINK - Young Adults Group
For those between the ages of 18 & 35
Church Fellowship Hall
Tuesdays @ 6:30PM
Pastor Jose Pagan
For more info on click here.
Married with Young Children
Nelson and Lissette Telemaco
Weston, Fl
3rd Sat of each month
(Babysitting is provided)
New Life Assembly of God
New Life Assembly of God
7885 Pines Blvd, Pembroke Pines, Fl 33024
954-981-6405 Church Office
954-981-1765 Fax
Our Pastor. . .
Pastor Maria Khaleel is senior pastor of New Life Assembly of God, which she started in 1992. It is a multi-cultural congregation, with over 30 nationalities represented, and over 700 in attendance, eighty percent of which are first time converts.She was saved, baptized with the Holy Spirit and called to the ministry at the early age of eleven. She is a 1986 Summa Cum Laude graduate of Southeastern College of the Assemblies of God, and received the “Young Alumnus of the Year Award” in 1994, given to those who within ten years of graduation have made an outstanding impact in ministry. She completed her Master's degree through the Assembly of God Theological Seminary in 2002, and was given the “Outstanding Achievement Student of the Year Award.”She was ordained in 1988, and became the first woman to be elected as Presbyter (a position similar to that of "bishop") in the Peninsular Florida District of the Assemblies of God in 1998; a position that she served in until 2006. She has also served on the National Evangelism Committee, and on the National Women in Ministry Task Force. Pastor Maria is also a nationally recognized evangelist. She is a motivational and dynamic speaker who makes the word of God relevant to the lives of the hearer. She preaches the Word of God in power and in demonstration of the Spirit. The burden of her heart is for revival, a message which has taken her throughout the United States preaching revivals, campmeetings, district retreats, and seminars. Her life’s ambition is echoed in the words of Paul “. . . this one thing I do . . . I press toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil 3:13-14).
7885 Pines Blvd, Pembroke Pines, Fl 33024
954-981-6405 Church Office
954-981-1765 Fax
Our Pastor. . .
Pastor Maria Khaleel is senior pastor of New Life Assembly of God, which she started in 1992. It is a multi-cultural congregation, with over 30 nationalities represented, and over 700 in attendance, eighty percent of which are first time converts.She was saved, baptized with the Holy Spirit and called to the ministry at the early age of eleven. She is a 1986 Summa Cum Laude graduate of Southeastern College of the Assemblies of God, and received the “Young Alumnus of the Year Award” in 1994, given to those who within ten years of graduation have made an outstanding impact in ministry. She completed her Master's degree through the Assembly of God Theological Seminary in 2002, and was given the “Outstanding Achievement Student of the Year Award.”She was ordained in 1988, and became the first woman to be elected as Presbyter (a position similar to that of "bishop") in the Peninsular Florida District of the Assemblies of God in 1998; a position that she served in until 2006. She has also served on the National Evangelism Committee, and on the National Women in Ministry Task Force. Pastor Maria is also a nationally recognized evangelist. She is a motivational and dynamic speaker who makes the word of God relevant to the lives of the hearer. She preaches the Word of God in power and in demonstration of the Spirit. The burden of her heart is for revival, a message which has taken her throughout the United States preaching revivals, campmeetings, district retreats, and seminars. Her life’s ambition is echoed in the words of Paul “. . . this one thing I do . . . I press toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (Phil 3:13-14).
Venezuela's Chavez calls Obama 'ignorant'
Mar 22, 2009
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Sunday called President Barack Obama "ignorant," saying he has a lot to learn about Latin America.
The socialist leader said he had been ready to name a new ambassador in Washington when Obama took office, but put that on hold after the new U.S. president accused him of "exporting terrorism" and being an obstacle to progress in the region.
"At least one could say, 'poor ignorant person,'" Chavez said on his weekly television and radio program, adding that Obama "should read a little bit so that he learns about ... the reality of Latin America."
U.S. National Security Council spokesman Mike Hammer declined to comment on Chavez's statements.
Chavez's relations with Washington grew increasingly strained under former President George W. Bush. The Venezuelan president expelled the U.S. ambassador and withdrew his envoy from Washington in September. Top diplomats have yet to be restored at either embassy.
Chavez and Obama plan to attend a summit of leaders from across the Americas next month in Trinidad and Tobago. There, Chavez said he will make a case for Cuba to be included in regional talks, saying "we can no longer continue to accept the impositions of the U.S. empire."
"We ask only for respect for Venezuela, nothing else," Chavez said.
Chavez said he showed some of the U.S. administration's critical remarks about him to U.S. Rep. William Delahunt when the Massachusetts Democrat visited Caracas last week.
"They keep pointing to me as the bad boy, as the one who attacks," Chavez said. "Who started the attack first? Obama."
Chavez recalled that shortly before Obama took office, the new president had accused Chavez of acting as a "destructive force" in the region.
"Obama said Chavez has been an obstacle to Latin America's development. What ignorance," Chavez said. "The real obstacle to the development of Latin America, Mr. Obama, has been the empire you now preside over."
The U.S. remains the top buyer of Venezuelan oil despite long-standing political tensions.
Chavez has at times expressed hope for a better relationship under Obama.
"They're very bad signals from the new government," Chavez said. "We'll keep waiting, but we aren't desperate."
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Sunday called President Barack Obama "ignorant," saying he has a lot to learn about Latin America.
The socialist leader said he had been ready to name a new ambassador in Washington when Obama took office, but put that on hold after the new U.S. president accused him of "exporting terrorism" and being an obstacle to progress in the region.
"At least one could say, 'poor ignorant person,'" Chavez said on his weekly television and radio program, adding that Obama "should read a little bit so that he learns about ... the reality of Latin America."
U.S. National Security Council spokesman Mike Hammer declined to comment on Chavez's statements.
Chavez's relations with Washington grew increasingly strained under former President George W. Bush. The Venezuelan president expelled the U.S. ambassador and withdrew his envoy from Washington in September. Top diplomats have yet to be restored at either embassy.
Chavez and Obama plan to attend a summit of leaders from across the Americas next month in Trinidad and Tobago. There, Chavez said he will make a case for Cuba to be included in regional talks, saying "we can no longer continue to accept the impositions of the U.S. empire."
"We ask only for respect for Venezuela, nothing else," Chavez said.
Chavez said he showed some of the U.S. administration's critical remarks about him to U.S. Rep. William Delahunt when the Massachusetts Democrat visited Caracas last week.
"They keep pointing to me as the bad boy, as the one who attacks," Chavez said. "Who started the attack first? Obama."
Chavez recalled that shortly before Obama took office, the new president had accused Chavez of acting as a "destructive force" in the region.
"Obama said Chavez has been an obstacle to Latin America's development. What ignorance," Chavez said. "The real obstacle to the development of Latin America, Mr. Obama, has been the empire you now preside over."
The U.S. remains the top buyer of Venezuelan oil despite long-standing political tensions.
Chavez has at times expressed hope for a better relationship under Obama.
"They're very bad signals from the new government," Chavez said. "We'll keep waiting, but we aren't desperate."
Monday, March 23, 2009
About Sony Ericsson Open
The dream of an international tennis tournament in Miami began in the 1960s, when top tennis players such as Jack Kramer, Frank Sedgman, Pancho Gonzalez, Pancho Segura and Butch Buchholz toured the country in a station wagon, playing tennis in darkened arenas and fairgrounds. It was before the days of Open tennis, and they traveled with a portable canvas court and plenty of hopes. Buchholz - an original member of the “Handsome Eight” (the first recognized pros of Lamar Hunt’s World Championship Tennis Circuit introduced in 1968) - competed until he was forced to retire from tennis in 1970 with chronic tennis elbow.
In 1980, when Buchholz was executive director of the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) - the player’s union - he met a vice president of the Thomas J. Lipton Company who liked his idea of creating a two-week players tournament. A sponsorship agreement would eventually be reached for $1.5 million a year for five years and Lipton would own the title.
The “Winter Wimbledon,” as it was first dubbed, would be the first major tournament of the year (the Australian Open was then held in December). It was decided that the first tournament would be held at Laver’s International Tennis Resort in Delray Beach, 50 miles north of Miami.
Buchholz was thinking first class all the way and brought in Alan Mills, tournament referee at Wimbledon, as head referee, and Ted Tinling, a well-known tennis fashion designer since the 1920s, as director of protocol.
He then approached the ATP and Women’s International Tennis Association and offered prize money, a percentage of the ticket sales and worldwide television rights. In return he wanted the rights to run the tournament for 15 years. The associations agreed, but Buchholz remembers that he had his detractors in the beginning.
“The tours and some of the top players were skeptical,” Buchholz said. “Even [tennis writer/TV analyst] Bud Collins said at the time we didn’t need another combined event. At one point, I was sure if we didn’t have a signed contract the tour would have altered this event and we would not have the same event we have today.”
On Feb. 4, 1985, following 20 years of nurturing a dream to create a world-class tennis tournament, the first ball was struck at the International Players Championships and a new tradition in tennis began. Manuela Maleeva won the first point en route to a 6-3, 6-2 victory over Angeliki Kanellopula.
The first tournament turned out 84 of the top 100 men and 97 of the top 100 women. ESPN telecast the first weekend and the men’s semifinals, and ABC telecast the finals live. Networks from Australia, England, France, Italy, Japan, Sweden and West Germany also were present.
The first champions were Tim Mayotte and Martina Navratilova. The women’s final between Navratilova and Chris Evert was a sellout. Only Wimbledon and the U.S. Open exceeded the $1.8 million in prize money. But Laver’s was in financial trouble, so Buchholz moved the 1986 tournament to Boca West, an Arvida property in Boca Raton. This tournament hosted 43 of the top 50 men and 46 of the top 50 women. A tradition of excellent tennis had been established. But then Arvida sold Boca West, and Buchholz was again searching for a home for his event. It was after that successful second year that then-Dade County Manager and Sony Ericsson WTA Tour Executive Director Merrett Stierheim helped pave the way for a move to Miami.
Stierheim showed Buchholz locations at Flamingo Park, Tropical Park and Amelia Earhart Park, before Buchholz crossed the Rickenbacker Causeway and fell in love with the property that would become the Tennis Center at Crandon Park, a Miami-Dade County Park that borders Key Biscayne.
“You go over that bridge, and it’s like leaving a city and entering tropical paradise,” Buchholz said. ‘It had that postcard feeling I was hoping for, and then I saw those 5,000 parking spots [by the beach], and I thought, ‘This is it.’ “ The rest, as they say, is history.
First, a $1 million, 10,000 square-foot clubhouse was built at the Tennis Center at Crandon Park in 1989 with plans for a permanent stadium to follow. But there were obstacles. After a favorable court ruling involving the use of the land in July, 1992 cleared the way to begin construction, the bulldozers started humming in hopes of getting the stadium ready for the 1993 tournament. However, Hurricane Andrew and then the Storm of the Century had other ideas.
“I want you to know we’ve got nine lives,” Buchholz said back then. “By this time next year the stadium will be up. I don’t have any lives left.”
On Feb. 13, 1994, as the tournament was celebrating its 10th event, Miami-Dade County dedicated the $20 million permanent stadium to the citizens of Miami-Dade County. The stadium also served as home to the USTA Player Development Program. Less than a month later, on March 11, 1994, Karin Kschwendt defeated Kathy Rinaldi-Stunkel, 6-3, 6-4 in the first match on Stadium Court.
“When we got the stadium built, and players like Steffi Graf, Pete Sampras, Gabriela Sabatini, Jim Courier and Andre Agassi started saying it was one of the best center courts in the world, it changed the players minds, and the minds of the tours.” Buchholz said, “They got behind us and we went on from there. We went from being a public wart to the tours feeling they should have more events like this one.”
Now a 12-day event annually showcasing one of the deepest fields of the year, the Sony Ericsson Open has reached the next echelon in presenting an international sports extravaganza. With $6.9 million in prize money, equally distributed to the men and women, and all of the top players and media from all corners of the world covering the action every day, the Sony Ericsson Open has earned its place in the world as the fifth largest tennis tournament, surpassed only by the Grand Slams.
In 2006, the tournament was televised in the United States on CBS and ESPN2, as well as by ESPN International and many other terrestrial broadcast partners. Each year, television coverage reaches more than 200 countries, radio coverage is broadcast in more than 44 languages, and print media reports are followed by millions and millions of tennis enthusiasts worldwide.A year-by-year review:
1983: Buchholz announces at the French Open that plans are proceeding for a major two-week event for men and women players.
1984: Dates and site are set for the first International Players Championships. Prize money: $1.8 million. Tournament to be held in Delray Beach, Florida. Title sponsor: Thomas J. Lipton Company. Initial partners are the two players’ organizations, Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) and Women’s International Tennis Association (WITA).
1985: Field at Laver’s International Tennis Resort includes 128 men and women in singles, 64 doubles teams for men and women, and mixed doubles. Tournament format is the same as the four Grand Slams. It is the first time in 56 years that a new, two-week tournament is launched. Martina Navratilova and Tim Mayotte capture singles titles before ABC-TV cameras. Navratilova-Evert women’s final is first sellout. Attendance for two weeks: 125,817, exceeding any golf or tennis event ever held in Florida.
1986: Site is Boca West Resort and Club in Boca Raton, Florida. Ivan Lendl defeats Mats Wilander for men’s title, while Evert captures women’s title vs. newcomer Steffi Graf. Attendance reaches 193,046, an increase of 65%.
1987: Search ends for a permanent home as the tournament arrives in Miami. Metro-Dade County Commissioners plan to build a stadium at Crandon Park. Graf defeats Evert for women’s title, while Miloslav Mecir upsets Lendl in men’s final. Television reaches 31 nations.
1988: En route to No. 1 world ranking later that year, Mats Wilander defeats Jimmy Connors. Graf becomes first woman to win two of the tournament’s titles, beating Gabriela Sabatini.
1989: A new $1 million clubhouse is dedicated by Metro Dade March 12. Ivan Lendl wins his second tournament and is first man with two titles. Part-time Key Biscayne-resident Gabriela Sabatini is women’s winner. Attendance reaches record 226,653.
1990: New 10-day format with 96 men and 96 women in singles, features two weekends of play. Only event in pro tennis with this unique format. Andre Agassi, 19, and Monica Seles, just 16, become the youngest of the tournament’s champions. On Nov. 6, Metro Dade Commissioners approve new contract for permanent stadium in Miami.
1991: Ground passes sold for first time with record crowds at 15 of 18 sessions. All-time attendance mark of 15,107 for the day session on March 17. Seles joins Graf as two-time women’s winner. Jim Courier climbs into top 10 for the first time by defeating unseeded David Wheaton in the final. In October, USTA announces Tennis Center at Crandon Park will be home for its new National Junior Player Development Center. U.S. teams to train here. In November, construction contract for new stadium is awarded to James A. Cummings, Inc. of Fort Lauderdale.
1992: The men’s and women’s final sell out in February - earliest pre-tournament sellout. The Initial USTA training camp is held at Crandon Park, campers include nine-year old Andy Roddick. During the event, Thomas J. Lipton Company announces it will extend title sponsorship. Michael Chang becomes third straight U.S. winner, while Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario upsets Seles to win the title. Record attendance for 10 days reaches 204,643, with an average of more than 20,000 per day. In April, construction begins on permanent stadium. The construction is halted in mid-May by court order. By late summer, Appeal Court says stadium construction can go on. On Aug. 24, 1992, Miami is slammed by Hurricane Andrew, which causes $16 billion in damage to South Florida. In October, the tournament is renamed the Lipton Championships. On Nov. 24, it is announced that construction will resume Dec. 1 but stop for the 1993 event.
1993: The ninth tournament survives worst weather in history, which includes The Storm of the Century. Four sessions are cancelled as the storm wreaks havoc on the site. Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario and Pete Sampras emerge as winners. Sampras is fourth straight U.S. man to win title and two weeks later ascends to No. 1 in the world for the first time. Sanchez-Vicario becomes third woman with two titles by upsetting Graf. TV goes to 66 nations.
1994: On Feb. 13, Miami-Dade County dedicates new permanent 14,000-seat stadium to citizens of Dade County. On March 11, the stadium is christened with a match between Karin Kschwendt and Kathy Rinaldi-Stunkel. On March 20, during a third round match between Andre Agassi and Boris Becker, Becker creates a stir among the fans when he hands his racquet to a ballgirl, Stephanie Flagherty. She won the point but Agassi eventually defeats Becker, 6-2, 7-5.
1995: Steffi Graf wins second consecutive title for the second time. She becomes the tournament’s winningest player and the first player to win four titles: 1987, 1988, 1994, and 1995. On Sept. 7, the tournament announces it will be played over 11 days, the only 11-day event on the ATP Tour and Sony Ericsson WTA Tour. On Dec. 6, the tournament announces that men’s final will go back to best-of-five sets.
1996: Steffi Graf breaks her own record by taking a third consecutive title and fifth overall singles championship when she defeats Chanda Rubin, 6-1, 6-3, in the women’s final. She also won a doubles championship in 1988 with Gabriela Sabatini. The tournament breaks all attendance records with a total of 234,755 spectators attending the tournament. 15,501 fans pass through the gates the first Sunday day session (March 24), breaking the all-time single session record. A record six sessions were sold out. In December, the Tennis Center in Crandon Park is awarded top honors in two design excellence award competitions. The awards were issued by the U.S. Tennis Court and Track Builders Association for Outstanding Tennis Court and/or Tennis Facility and Athletic Business Magazine for Facility of Merit in the 1996 Architectural Showcase.
1997: The tournament hosts the first men’s and women’s pro tennis awards benefit at the Jackie Gleason Theater on Miami Beach. Tennis stars Pete Sampras, Carlos Moya, Jim Courier, Steffi Graf, Martina Hingis and Anna Kournikova were on hand and joined by national and local celebrities for a star-studded evening featuring comedian Dennis Miller as the emcee. More than $100,000 was raised and distributed to the Ashe-Buchholz Tennis Center in Moore Park and the Community Partnership for Homeless. On March 22, the tournament formally dedicates the men’s locker room to Tim Gullikson with an on-court presentation that includes Butch Buchholz, Pete Sampras, Rosemary Gullikson, and Tim and Rosemary’s children, Megan and Erik Gullikson. On March 30, top seed Martina Hingis defeats two-time women’s champion and former world ranked No.1 Monica Seles, 6-2, 6-1, in 43 minutes. Hingis became the top-ranked player on the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour following her championship run. On March 31, Thomas Muster defeats Sergi Bruguera 7-6(6), 6-3, 6-1 to win the tournament, eight years after defaulting to Ivan Lendl in 1989 when he was injured in a car accident the night before the final.
1998: On January 5, the tournament sells a record number of tickets the first day individual tickets go on sale for the 1998 tournament - a 40 percent increase over the previous single day sales record set on opening day 1997. On March 20, Butch Buchholz organizes a reunion of the WCT’s “Handsome Eight” in an on-court ceremony at the tournament to honor the 30-year anniversary of Open tennis. On March 26, Steve Campbell becomes the first qualifier ever to reach the quarterfinals of the tournament. On March 28, 23rd-seeded Anna Kournikova becomes the first Sony Ericsson WTA Tour player to defeat four Top 10 players in one event, setting down No. 5 Monica Seles, No. 9 Conchita Martinez, No. 2 Lindsay Davenport, and No. 8 Aranxta Sanchez Vicario before losing to No. 11 Venus Williams in a three-set final. On March 29, Marcelo Rios becomes the first Latin American male to reach No. 1 on the ATP after defeating Andre Agassi in the final. In August, Butch Buchholz announces that Ericsson will acquire the title sponsorship of the tournament beginning in 2000. In October, the tournament announces that the men’s and women’s finals will be broadcast on Fox with the men’s final played on Saturday, and the women’s on Sunday - the first time the final days have ever been played that way.
1999: On Feb. 12, the tournament announces its best field in history with 48 of the top 50 women and 47 of the top 50 men competing. On March 28, Venus and Serena Williams appear in the first all-sister final since 1884 when Maud and Lillian Watson met at the Wimbledon final. Venus won 6-1, 4-6, 6-4. In June, Butch Buchholz announces that his family will sell the tournament to IMG.
2000: On March 24, at the first Ericsson Open, little known 17-year-old Andy Roddick secures his first ATP victory, 6-4, 6-0 over Fernando Vincente. Roddick loses to Andre Agassi, 6-2, 6-3, in the second round. On April 2, Pete Sampras wins his third singles title by defeating Brazil’s Gustavo “Guga” Kuerten in a four-set epic in front of a boisterous, partisan crowd. Following his win, Sampras said “I can definitely walk out of this tournament feeling real confident and real good about the way things went. The crowd was huge today. I got chills up my spine a number of times.” Sampras would win only two more tournaments in his career: 2000 Wimbledon and the 2002 US Open. On August 30, the tournament announces it will add a 12th day to its schedule in order to give players more time between matches.
2001: On March 31, Venus Williams defeats Jennifer Capriati in a thrilling three-set final, 4-6, 6-1, 7-6 (4), to win her third title in four years. Tennis Magazine would name it the Best Women’s Match of 2001. On April 1, Andre Agassi defeats Jan-Michael Gambill 7-6 (7), 6-1, 6-0 in the final, to win his fourth title in Miami, the most of any male.
2002: On Feb. 5, the tournament teams with NASDAQ-100 (QQQ), an index of 100 of the largest non-financial U.S. and non-U.S. companies listed on the National Market tier of the NASDAQ Stock Market. Butch Buchholz opens the NASDAQ Market for trading with help from tennis legends Martina Navratilova and Rod Laver. On March 19, Cliff Buchholz’s retirement as tournament director after 18 years is officially recognized as Butch Buchholz dedicates the Stadium Player Center in his honor. On March 25, Pete Sampras makes what would become his final appearance losing in the third round to Fernando Gonzalez of Chile. He wins the US Open later in the year and announces his retirement in 2003. Sampras was a three-time champion and was 42-10 in 14 years. On March 28, perhaps the most exciting day and night of tennis in tournament history, Serena Williams defeats Venus Williams in the day session in straight sets to advance to her first final. Both night session matches go to third-set tie breaks as No. 1 seed Lleyton Hewitt defeats Marat Safin and Jennifer Capriati downs Monica Seles. Capriati sealed match point at 12:20 a.m. on March 29, her 26th birthday. On March 31, Andre Agassi wins his fifth title with a four-set victory over Roger Federer, tying his wife Steffi Graf for the most titles in tournament history. On June 4, the tournament announces that Executive Vice President Adam Barrett succeeds Cliff Buchholz as tournament director. On Aug. 22, Serena Williams opens the NASDAQ Market for trading at 9:30 a.m. at NASDAQ MarketSite. She goes on to win the US Open.
2003: On Feb. 18, Mary Joe Fernandez is named the official tournament ambassador. The Miami native participated in 11 tournaments in her hometown and continues to be heavily involved in the tennis community as a commentator for ESPN and CBS. On March 22, another chapter in tournament history closes when Michael Chang walks off the court after losing in the second round to Andre Agassi. Chang, the 1992 tournament champion, retired at the end of the 2003 season. On March 30, Andre Agassi wins his third consecutive and sixth title over Carlos Moya (6-3, 6-3). The win propels Agassi past his wife, Steffi Graf, in total titles. The entire match is shown live on the NASDAQ MarketSite screen on Broadway in Times Square in New York City. On Aug. 20, Andy Roddick and Butch Buchholz are welcomed to the Market Open of the NASDAQ prior to the US Open. Two weeks later Roddick would win his first Grand Slamtitle and finish No. 1 for the year.
2004: On March 26, Serena Williams returns to the court for the first time since winning Wimbledon the previous July with a 6-1, 6-0 victory over Marta Marrero. Williams, sporting her new Nike gear, would roll to her third consecutive title. March 27, the Tennis Channel broadcast over 12 hours of live match coverage from the first Saturday of the event. On April 2-4, the men’s and women’s finals were both telecast live on CBS, while the men’s semifinals were both live on ESPN2. This was the first time since 1992 that both finals were televised live on network TV in the United States. On April 4, Andy Roddick, truly a hometown hero, is crowned champion. Roddick defeats Guillermo Coria, 6-7, 6-3, 6-1, 0-0 after Coria retired due to back spasms at 0-40 during the first game of the fourth set.
2005: The tournament sets session attendance records in five different sessions, including a 2005 best of 17,180 on Good Friday. The total attendance of 263,118 marked a gain of over 9,000 from 2004. On April 2, Kim Clijsters became the first unseeded women’s player to win the title, winning seven matches while dropping only an astounding 27 games en route to the championship. She defeated No. 5 seed Anastasia Myskina in the Round of 16, No. 4 seed Elena Dementieva in the quarterfinals, top seed Amelie Mauresmo in the semifinals and No. 2 seed Maria Sharapova, 6-3, 7-5 in the final. The next day, Roger Federer avenged his 2004 loss to Rafael Nadal in dramatic fashion. He spotted the young Spaniard two sets and a break before prevailing 2-6, 6-7 (4), 7-6 (5), 6-3, 6-1 to take the championship in three hours, 42 minutes in what most were calling the best final in the history of the event. On August 25, 2005 Champion Roger Federer and Butch Buchholz open the NASDAQ Market prior to the US Open. Roger Federer goes on to win the 2005 US Open.
2006: An amazing year for the tournament begins with the announcement of the return to equal prize money ($533,500 - winners check - first time equal since 1989) for the men and women. Electronic line calling debuts for both the ATP and Sony Ericsson WTA Tour, as the Hawkeye system is introduced at the 2006 event on the Stadium court and later also utilized in the United States at the US Open Series events and at the US Open. The first match to use the system had Jamea Jackson playing Ashley Harkelroad. Jackson defeated Ashley Harkleroad 7-5, 6-7, 7-5 in over three hours with Jackson being the first to throw out the challenge. It came 57 minutes into the match and it was not successful. In all, the players challenged 161 calls, overruling only 53. The tournament also smashed it’s total attendance record – 272,033, breaking old record of 270,143 in 2001. The event featured five sellouts, including men’s final. Two important improvements to the stadium were introduced, chairback seats on the 400 level, and video boards which enabled the stadium spectators to see the replay results. On March 30, Svetlana Kuznetsova helped NASDAQ open the market from the stadium court, the first time the market had ever been opened for trading from a sporting event. Kuznetsova went on to win the women’s title the next day, defeating Maria Sharapova. Roger Federer capped off his second straight title on April 2, defeating Ivan Ljubicic in three tiebreak sets. On August 29, Butch Buchholz and Dee Dutta announced that Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications, a 50:50 joint venture between Sony Corporation and Ericsson, would replace NASDAQ-100 as title sponsor effective for the 2007 event in a multi-year deal. NASDAQ would remain a sponsor of the Sony Ericsson Open in 2007.
2007: In its first year as title sponsor Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications wanted to change the way tennis was presented, and the 2007 Sony Ericsson Open was truly a complete entertainment experience for both fans and players alike. The tournament hosted a star-studded Kickoff Party on South Beach featuring a live musical performance by Robin Thicke, an unprecedented five fashion shows by world renowned designers Roberto Cavalli, Diane von Furstenberg, Etro and the upscale local Village of Merrick Park, a celebrity chef demonstration by Norman Van Aken and Katy Sparks and welcomed several on-court celebrity performances by Jose Feliciano, JoJo, Melissa Jimenez, Boyd Tinsley, Jon Secada and Kelly Rowland. The tournament posted record numbers in 2007 setting an all-time attendance record with 288,025 guests visiting the Tennis Center at Crandon Park shattering the old attendance mark of 272,033 set in 2006 by nearly 16,000. Ten session attendance records were set during the tournament’s 12 days including seven session sellouts. The March 24 Saturday Day Session set an all-time attendance record with 18,910. It marked the first time that a session surpassed 18,000. The women’s final saw eight-time Grand Slam Champion Serena Williams record one of the greatest comebacks in tournament history with a 0-6, 7-5, 6-3 win over World No. 1 Justine Henin. The men’s final offered tennis fans a glimps of the future as 19-year-old Novak Djokovic captured his first Sony Ericsson Open title with a 6-3, 6-2, 6-4 win over Guillermo Canas. Djokovic did not drop a set en route to the title and becomes the lowest seed (No. 10) to win the Sony Ericsson Open title since Jim Coureir (No. 13) in 1991. Canas becomes the first qualifier to reach the tournament final.
2008: 2008 marked another record breaking year for the Sony Ericsson Open. The tournament recorded 10 session sellouts, set 11 session attendance records and shattered its all-time attendance record with 297,011 guests visiting the Tennis Center at Crandon Park. The men’s final on Sunday, April 6 was sold out on Friday, March 28 marking the quickest sellout for a men’s final in tournament history. But the record attendance is only part of the story. In its second year as title sponsor of the Sony Ericsson Open, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications continues to raise the bar when it comes to presenting tennis to the world, and this year’s tournament was truly a complete entertainment experience for both fans and players alike. The Tennis Center at Crandon Park was once again revitalized with bold colors and music welcoming guests to the tournament grounds, and even before fans passed by the signature fountain, guests were treated to an interactive entryway. Everywhere people turned they were met with the sights and sounds of glitz and glamour, all matching the Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications brand identity that was launched for their mobile phones in December 2006. The Sony Ericsson Open has become one of the most glamorous events on tour and this year’s event was definitely the place to be seen in Miami. The names of those visiting the tournament this year was like a who’s who of the entertainment and sports industries including actors Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson, Brittany Murphy, and Pauly Shore; television host Star Jones-Reynolds; feature film director David Frankel; musicians Paulina Rubio, Alejandro Sanz, Jon McLaughlin, Kenny G, Common and Boyd Tinsley; race car drivers Helio Castroneves, Christian Fittipaldi and Emerson Fittipaldi; Miami Heat stars Dwyane Wade and Shawn Marion; former NBA All-Star Alonzo Mourning; NFL standouts Terrell Owens, Randy McMichael, Chris Chambers and Willis McGahee; and Florida Panthers Richard Zedinik and Brano Nezei. The Sony Ericsson Open hosted a star-studded Kickoff Party at the trendy club Opium Garden on world famous South Beach. The red carpet event featured world renowned DJ Bob Sinclar and drew many celebrity guests including 10,000 BC star Camilla Bell, reality TV star Katrina Campins, former professional tennis player Anna Kournikova, supermodel and the face of Estée Lauder Hilary Rhoda, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models Quianna Grant, Jessica Gomes, Nicole Trunfio and Jarah Mariano, and the band Misshapes. The Sony Ericsson Open continued to bring its guests the best in all-around entertainment in 2008. At the Sony Ericsson Open Fashion Park, the tournament hosted four fashion shows by world renowned designers Fila, EleVen by Venus Williams, Blumarine and the upscale local Village of Merrick Park. Great tennis was not the only thing entertaining fans on Stadium Court this year. The Sony Ericsson Open brought in Island Def Jam recording artist Jon McLaughlin to perform his new single “Smack into You” and the National Anthem prior to the women’s final on April 5. Prior to the men’s final on April 6 the tournament hosted Kenny G, the biggest selling instrument musician in the modern era, who performed “Sabor A Mi” from his new album Rhythm and Romance as well as the National Anthem. Once again the Sony Ericsson Open was a global event with 752 credentials issued to media from 36 countries including reporters from Venezuela, Uruguay, United States, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Switzerland, Sweden, Slovakia, Serbia and Montenegro, Russian Federation, Portugal, Poland, Peru, Panama, Netherlands, Mexico, Japan, Italy, Israel, Hungary, Guatemala, Germany, France, Finland, Ecuador, Denmark, Croatia, Costa Rica, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Belgium, Austria, Australia, Argentina. Both the men’s and women’s finals were broadcast on CBS. CBS has a long term contract with the tournament to showcase the finals through 2011. The tournament received over 2000 hours of television coverage globally on other networks. For the first time the Sony Ericsson Open took to the streets of Miami to bring tennis to people who may not normally visit the event on Key Biscayne. The tournament hosted events at Coconut Grove and Lincoln Road featuring video boards, player appearances and interactive games. The Sony Ericsson Open also took the tournament to many of the local high schools in South Florida with several high school dance team performances and National Anthem singers prior to select evening matches on Stadium Court. The Sony Ericsson Open continued its long tradition of community service in 2008. The tournament continued its affiliation with the First Serve Organization which was started by the Buchholz family to empower young people by providing local tennis facilities and schools with alife skills programthat promotes positive values, healthy habits and education through the game of tennis. For the 12th year in a row, the Sony Ericsson Open joined international relief organization Feed the Children to distribute food and supplies to benefit thousands of South Florida children and families. On March 24, the Sony Ericsson Open and Feed The Children distributed 15 eighteen-wheelers with more than 399,500 pounds of food, beverages, personal care products, paper goods and Vertrue pharmacy cards. The 15 truckloads of goods were valued at more than $2,000,000 and were disturbed amongst 50 South Florida hunger relief agencies. Over the 12 year partnership the Sony Ericsson Open has distributed 4.4 million pounds of food valued at close to $12 million and supplemented close to 17 million meals to over 163,000 families.
The dream of an international tennis tournament in Miami began in the 1960s, when top tennis players such as Jack Kramer, Frank Sedgman, Pancho Gonzalez, Pancho Segura and Butch Buchholz toured the country in a station wagon, playing tennis in darkened arenas and fairgrounds. It was before the days of Open tennis, and they traveled with a portable canvas court and plenty of hopes. Buchholz - an original member of the “Handsome Eight” (the first recognized pros of Lamar Hunt’s World Championship Tennis Circuit introduced in 1968) - competed until he was forced to retire from tennis in 1970 with chronic tennis elbow.
In 1980, when Buchholz was executive director of the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) - the player’s union - he met a vice president of the Thomas J. Lipton Company who liked his idea of creating a two-week players tournament. A sponsorship agreement would eventually be reached for $1.5 million a year for five years and Lipton would own the title.
The “Winter Wimbledon,” as it was first dubbed, would be the first major tournament of the year (the Australian Open was then held in December). It was decided that the first tournament would be held at Laver’s International Tennis Resort in Delray Beach, 50 miles north of Miami.
Buchholz was thinking first class all the way and brought in Alan Mills, tournament referee at Wimbledon, as head referee, and Ted Tinling, a well-known tennis fashion designer since the 1920s, as director of protocol.
He then approached the ATP and Women’s International Tennis Association and offered prize money, a percentage of the ticket sales and worldwide television rights. In return he wanted the rights to run the tournament for 15 years. The associations agreed, but Buchholz remembers that he had his detractors in the beginning.
“The tours and some of the top players were skeptical,” Buchholz said. “Even [tennis writer/TV analyst] Bud Collins said at the time we didn’t need another combined event. At one point, I was sure if we didn’t have a signed contract the tour would have altered this event and we would not have the same event we have today.”
On Feb. 4, 1985, following 20 years of nurturing a dream to create a world-class tennis tournament, the first ball was struck at the International Players Championships and a new tradition in tennis began. Manuela Maleeva won the first point en route to a 6-3, 6-2 victory over Angeliki Kanellopula.
The first tournament turned out 84 of the top 100 men and 97 of the top 100 women. ESPN telecast the first weekend and the men’s semifinals, and ABC telecast the finals live. Networks from Australia, England, France, Italy, Japan, Sweden and West Germany also were present.
The first champions were Tim Mayotte and Martina Navratilova. The women’s final between Navratilova and Chris Evert was a sellout. Only Wimbledon and the U.S. Open exceeded the $1.8 million in prize money. But Laver’s was in financial trouble, so Buchholz moved the 1986 tournament to Boca West, an Arvida property in Boca Raton. This tournament hosted 43 of the top 50 men and 46 of the top 50 women. A tradition of excellent tennis had been established. But then Arvida sold Boca West, and Buchholz was again searching for a home for his event. It was after that successful second year that then-Dade County Manager and Sony Ericsson WTA Tour Executive Director Merrett Stierheim helped pave the way for a move to Miami.
Stierheim showed Buchholz locations at Flamingo Park, Tropical Park and Amelia Earhart Park, before Buchholz crossed the Rickenbacker Causeway and fell in love with the property that would become the Tennis Center at Crandon Park, a Miami-Dade County Park that borders Key Biscayne.
“You go over that bridge, and it’s like leaving a city and entering tropical paradise,” Buchholz said. ‘It had that postcard feeling I was hoping for, and then I saw those 5,000 parking spots [by the beach], and I thought, ‘This is it.’ “ The rest, as they say, is history.
First, a $1 million, 10,000 square-foot clubhouse was built at the Tennis Center at Crandon Park in 1989 with plans for a permanent stadium to follow. But there were obstacles. After a favorable court ruling involving the use of the land in July, 1992 cleared the way to begin construction, the bulldozers started humming in hopes of getting the stadium ready for the 1993 tournament. However, Hurricane Andrew and then the Storm of the Century had other ideas.
“I want you to know we’ve got nine lives,” Buchholz said back then. “By this time next year the stadium will be up. I don’t have any lives left.”
On Feb. 13, 1994, as the tournament was celebrating its 10th event, Miami-Dade County dedicated the $20 million permanent stadium to the citizens of Miami-Dade County. The stadium also served as home to the USTA Player Development Program. Less than a month later, on March 11, 1994, Karin Kschwendt defeated Kathy Rinaldi-Stunkel, 6-3, 6-4 in the first match on Stadium Court.
“When we got the stadium built, and players like Steffi Graf, Pete Sampras, Gabriela Sabatini, Jim Courier and Andre Agassi started saying it was one of the best center courts in the world, it changed the players minds, and the minds of the tours.” Buchholz said, “They got behind us and we went on from there. We went from being a public wart to the tours feeling they should have more events like this one.”
Now a 12-day event annually showcasing one of the deepest fields of the year, the Sony Ericsson Open has reached the next echelon in presenting an international sports extravaganza. With $6.9 million in prize money, equally distributed to the men and women, and all of the top players and media from all corners of the world covering the action every day, the Sony Ericsson Open has earned its place in the world as the fifth largest tennis tournament, surpassed only by the Grand Slams.
In 2006, the tournament was televised in the United States on CBS and ESPN2, as well as by ESPN International and many other terrestrial broadcast partners. Each year, television coverage reaches more than 200 countries, radio coverage is broadcast in more than 44 languages, and print media reports are followed by millions and millions of tennis enthusiasts worldwide.A year-by-year review:
1983: Buchholz announces at the French Open that plans are proceeding for a major two-week event for men and women players.
1984: Dates and site are set for the first International Players Championships. Prize money: $1.8 million. Tournament to be held in Delray Beach, Florida. Title sponsor: Thomas J. Lipton Company. Initial partners are the two players’ organizations, Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) and Women’s International Tennis Association (WITA).
1985: Field at Laver’s International Tennis Resort includes 128 men and women in singles, 64 doubles teams for men and women, and mixed doubles. Tournament format is the same as the four Grand Slams. It is the first time in 56 years that a new, two-week tournament is launched. Martina Navratilova and Tim Mayotte capture singles titles before ABC-TV cameras. Navratilova-Evert women’s final is first sellout. Attendance for two weeks: 125,817, exceeding any golf or tennis event ever held in Florida.
1986: Site is Boca West Resort and Club in Boca Raton, Florida. Ivan Lendl defeats Mats Wilander for men’s title, while Evert captures women’s title vs. newcomer Steffi Graf. Attendance reaches 193,046, an increase of 65%.
1987: Search ends for a permanent home as the tournament arrives in Miami. Metro-Dade County Commissioners plan to build a stadium at Crandon Park. Graf defeats Evert for women’s title, while Miloslav Mecir upsets Lendl in men’s final. Television reaches 31 nations.
1988: En route to No. 1 world ranking later that year, Mats Wilander defeats Jimmy Connors. Graf becomes first woman to win two of the tournament’s titles, beating Gabriela Sabatini.
1989: A new $1 million clubhouse is dedicated by Metro Dade March 12. Ivan Lendl wins his second tournament and is first man with two titles. Part-time Key Biscayne-resident Gabriela Sabatini is women’s winner. Attendance reaches record 226,653.
1990: New 10-day format with 96 men and 96 women in singles, features two weekends of play. Only event in pro tennis with this unique format. Andre Agassi, 19, and Monica Seles, just 16, become the youngest of the tournament’s champions. On Nov. 6, Metro Dade Commissioners approve new contract for permanent stadium in Miami.
1991: Ground passes sold for first time with record crowds at 15 of 18 sessions. All-time attendance mark of 15,107 for the day session on March 17. Seles joins Graf as two-time women’s winner. Jim Courier climbs into top 10 for the first time by defeating unseeded David Wheaton in the final. In October, USTA announces Tennis Center at Crandon Park will be home for its new National Junior Player Development Center. U.S. teams to train here. In November, construction contract for new stadium is awarded to James A. Cummings, Inc. of Fort Lauderdale.
1992: The men’s and women’s final sell out in February - earliest pre-tournament sellout. The Initial USTA training camp is held at Crandon Park, campers include nine-year old Andy Roddick. During the event, Thomas J. Lipton Company announces it will extend title sponsorship. Michael Chang becomes third straight U.S. winner, while Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario upsets Seles to win the title. Record attendance for 10 days reaches 204,643, with an average of more than 20,000 per day. In April, construction begins on permanent stadium. The construction is halted in mid-May by court order. By late summer, Appeal Court says stadium construction can go on. On Aug. 24, 1992, Miami is slammed by Hurricane Andrew, which causes $16 billion in damage to South Florida. In October, the tournament is renamed the Lipton Championships. On Nov. 24, it is announced that construction will resume Dec. 1 but stop for the 1993 event.
1993: The ninth tournament survives worst weather in history, which includes The Storm of the Century. Four sessions are cancelled as the storm wreaks havoc on the site. Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario and Pete Sampras emerge as winners. Sampras is fourth straight U.S. man to win title and two weeks later ascends to No. 1 in the world for the first time. Sanchez-Vicario becomes third woman with two titles by upsetting Graf. TV goes to 66 nations.
1994: On Feb. 13, Miami-Dade County dedicates new permanent 14,000-seat stadium to citizens of Dade County. On March 11, the stadium is christened with a match between Karin Kschwendt and Kathy Rinaldi-Stunkel. On March 20, during a third round match between Andre Agassi and Boris Becker, Becker creates a stir among the fans when he hands his racquet to a ballgirl, Stephanie Flagherty. She won the point but Agassi eventually defeats Becker, 6-2, 7-5.
1995: Steffi Graf wins second consecutive title for the second time. She becomes the tournament’s winningest player and the first player to win four titles: 1987, 1988, 1994, and 1995. On Sept. 7, the tournament announces it will be played over 11 days, the only 11-day event on the ATP Tour and Sony Ericsson WTA Tour. On Dec. 6, the tournament announces that men’s final will go back to best-of-five sets.
1996: Steffi Graf breaks her own record by taking a third consecutive title and fifth overall singles championship when she defeats Chanda Rubin, 6-1, 6-3, in the women’s final. She also won a doubles championship in 1988 with Gabriela Sabatini. The tournament breaks all attendance records with a total of 234,755 spectators attending the tournament. 15,501 fans pass through the gates the first Sunday day session (March 24), breaking the all-time single session record. A record six sessions were sold out. In December, the Tennis Center in Crandon Park is awarded top honors in two design excellence award competitions. The awards were issued by the U.S. Tennis Court and Track Builders Association for Outstanding Tennis Court and/or Tennis Facility and Athletic Business Magazine for Facility of Merit in the 1996 Architectural Showcase.
1997: The tournament hosts the first men’s and women’s pro tennis awards benefit at the Jackie Gleason Theater on Miami Beach. Tennis stars Pete Sampras, Carlos Moya, Jim Courier, Steffi Graf, Martina Hingis and Anna Kournikova were on hand and joined by national and local celebrities for a star-studded evening featuring comedian Dennis Miller as the emcee. More than $100,000 was raised and distributed to the Ashe-Buchholz Tennis Center in Moore Park and the Community Partnership for Homeless. On March 22, the tournament formally dedicates the men’s locker room to Tim Gullikson with an on-court presentation that includes Butch Buchholz, Pete Sampras, Rosemary Gullikson, and Tim and Rosemary’s children, Megan and Erik Gullikson. On March 30, top seed Martina Hingis defeats two-time women’s champion and former world ranked No.1 Monica Seles, 6-2, 6-1, in 43 minutes. Hingis became the top-ranked player on the Sony Ericsson WTA Tour following her championship run. On March 31, Thomas Muster defeats Sergi Bruguera 7-6(6), 6-3, 6-1 to win the tournament, eight years after defaulting to Ivan Lendl in 1989 when he was injured in a car accident the night before the final.
1998: On January 5, the tournament sells a record number of tickets the first day individual tickets go on sale for the 1998 tournament - a 40 percent increase over the previous single day sales record set on opening day 1997. On March 20, Butch Buchholz organizes a reunion of the WCT’s “Handsome Eight” in an on-court ceremony at the tournament to honor the 30-year anniversary of Open tennis. On March 26, Steve Campbell becomes the first qualifier ever to reach the quarterfinals of the tournament. On March 28, 23rd-seeded Anna Kournikova becomes the first Sony Ericsson WTA Tour player to defeat four Top 10 players in one event, setting down No. 5 Monica Seles, No. 9 Conchita Martinez, No. 2 Lindsay Davenport, and No. 8 Aranxta Sanchez Vicario before losing to No. 11 Venus Williams in a three-set final. On March 29, Marcelo Rios becomes the first Latin American male to reach No. 1 on the ATP after defeating Andre Agassi in the final. In August, Butch Buchholz announces that Ericsson will acquire the title sponsorship of the tournament beginning in 2000. In October, the tournament announces that the men’s and women’s finals will be broadcast on Fox with the men’s final played on Saturday, and the women’s on Sunday - the first time the final days have ever been played that way.
1999: On Feb. 12, the tournament announces its best field in history with 48 of the top 50 women and 47 of the top 50 men competing. On March 28, Venus and Serena Williams appear in the first all-sister final since 1884 when Maud and Lillian Watson met at the Wimbledon final. Venus won 6-1, 4-6, 6-4. In June, Butch Buchholz announces that his family will sell the tournament to IMG.
2000: On March 24, at the first Ericsson Open, little known 17-year-old Andy Roddick secures his first ATP victory, 6-4, 6-0 over Fernando Vincente. Roddick loses to Andre Agassi, 6-2, 6-3, in the second round. On April 2, Pete Sampras wins his third singles title by defeating Brazil’s Gustavo “Guga” Kuerten in a four-set epic in front of a boisterous, partisan crowd. Following his win, Sampras said “I can definitely walk out of this tournament feeling real confident and real good about the way things went. The crowd was huge today. I got chills up my spine a number of times.” Sampras would win only two more tournaments in his career: 2000 Wimbledon and the 2002 US Open. On August 30, the tournament announces it will add a 12th day to its schedule in order to give players more time between matches.
2001: On March 31, Venus Williams defeats Jennifer Capriati in a thrilling three-set final, 4-6, 6-1, 7-6 (4), to win her third title in four years. Tennis Magazine would name it the Best Women’s Match of 2001. On April 1, Andre Agassi defeats Jan-Michael Gambill 7-6 (7), 6-1, 6-0 in the final, to win his fourth title in Miami, the most of any male.
2002: On Feb. 5, the tournament teams with NASDAQ-100 (QQQ), an index of 100 of the largest non-financial U.S. and non-U.S. companies listed on the National Market tier of the NASDAQ Stock Market. Butch Buchholz opens the NASDAQ Market for trading with help from tennis legends Martina Navratilova and Rod Laver. On March 19, Cliff Buchholz’s retirement as tournament director after 18 years is officially recognized as Butch Buchholz dedicates the Stadium Player Center in his honor. On March 25, Pete Sampras makes what would become his final appearance losing in the third round to Fernando Gonzalez of Chile. He wins the US Open later in the year and announces his retirement in 2003. Sampras was a three-time champion and was 42-10 in 14 years. On March 28, perhaps the most exciting day and night of tennis in tournament history, Serena Williams defeats Venus Williams in the day session in straight sets to advance to her first final. Both night session matches go to third-set tie breaks as No. 1 seed Lleyton Hewitt defeats Marat Safin and Jennifer Capriati downs Monica Seles. Capriati sealed match point at 12:20 a.m. on March 29, her 26th birthday. On March 31, Andre Agassi wins his fifth title with a four-set victory over Roger Federer, tying his wife Steffi Graf for the most titles in tournament history. On June 4, the tournament announces that Executive Vice President Adam Barrett succeeds Cliff Buchholz as tournament director. On Aug. 22, Serena Williams opens the NASDAQ Market for trading at 9:30 a.m. at NASDAQ MarketSite. She goes on to win the US Open.
2003: On Feb. 18, Mary Joe Fernandez is named the official tournament ambassador. The Miami native participated in 11 tournaments in her hometown and continues to be heavily involved in the tennis community as a commentator for ESPN and CBS. On March 22, another chapter in tournament history closes when Michael Chang walks off the court after losing in the second round to Andre Agassi. Chang, the 1992 tournament champion, retired at the end of the 2003 season. On March 30, Andre Agassi wins his third consecutive and sixth title over Carlos Moya (6-3, 6-3). The win propels Agassi past his wife, Steffi Graf, in total titles. The entire match is shown live on the NASDAQ MarketSite screen on Broadway in Times Square in New York City. On Aug. 20, Andy Roddick and Butch Buchholz are welcomed to the Market Open of the NASDAQ prior to the US Open. Two weeks later Roddick would win his first Grand Slamtitle and finish No. 1 for the year.
2004: On March 26, Serena Williams returns to the court for the first time since winning Wimbledon the previous July with a 6-1, 6-0 victory over Marta Marrero. Williams, sporting her new Nike gear, would roll to her third consecutive title. March 27, the Tennis Channel broadcast over 12 hours of live match coverage from the first Saturday of the event. On April 2-4, the men’s and women’s finals were both telecast live on CBS, while the men’s semifinals were both live on ESPN2. This was the first time since 1992 that both finals were televised live on network TV in the United States. On April 4, Andy Roddick, truly a hometown hero, is crowned champion. Roddick defeats Guillermo Coria, 6-7, 6-3, 6-1, 0-0 after Coria retired due to back spasms at 0-40 during the first game of the fourth set.
2005: The tournament sets session attendance records in five different sessions, including a 2005 best of 17,180 on Good Friday. The total attendance of 263,118 marked a gain of over 9,000 from 2004. On April 2, Kim Clijsters became the first unseeded women’s player to win the title, winning seven matches while dropping only an astounding 27 games en route to the championship. She defeated No. 5 seed Anastasia Myskina in the Round of 16, No. 4 seed Elena Dementieva in the quarterfinals, top seed Amelie Mauresmo in the semifinals and No. 2 seed Maria Sharapova, 6-3, 7-5 in the final. The next day, Roger Federer avenged his 2004 loss to Rafael Nadal in dramatic fashion. He spotted the young Spaniard two sets and a break before prevailing 2-6, 6-7 (4), 7-6 (5), 6-3, 6-1 to take the championship in three hours, 42 minutes in what most were calling the best final in the history of the event. On August 25, 2005 Champion Roger Federer and Butch Buchholz open the NASDAQ Market prior to the US Open. Roger Federer goes on to win the 2005 US Open.
2006: An amazing year for the tournament begins with the announcement of the return to equal prize money ($533,500 - winners check - first time equal since 1989) for the men and women. Electronic line calling debuts for both the ATP and Sony Ericsson WTA Tour, as the Hawkeye system is introduced at the 2006 event on the Stadium court and later also utilized in the United States at the US Open Series events and at the US Open. The first match to use the system had Jamea Jackson playing Ashley Harkelroad. Jackson defeated Ashley Harkleroad 7-5, 6-7, 7-5 in over three hours with Jackson being the first to throw out the challenge. It came 57 minutes into the match and it was not successful. In all, the players challenged 161 calls, overruling only 53. The tournament also smashed it’s total attendance record – 272,033, breaking old record of 270,143 in 2001. The event featured five sellouts, including men’s final. Two important improvements to the stadium were introduced, chairback seats on the 400 level, and video boards which enabled the stadium spectators to see the replay results. On March 30, Svetlana Kuznetsova helped NASDAQ open the market from the stadium court, the first time the market had ever been opened for trading from a sporting event. Kuznetsova went on to win the women’s title the next day, defeating Maria Sharapova. Roger Federer capped off his second straight title on April 2, defeating Ivan Ljubicic in three tiebreak sets. On August 29, Butch Buchholz and Dee Dutta announced that Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications, a 50:50 joint venture between Sony Corporation and Ericsson, would replace NASDAQ-100 as title sponsor effective for the 2007 event in a multi-year deal. NASDAQ would remain a sponsor of the Sony Ericsson Open in 2007.
2007: In its first year as title sponsor Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications wanted to change the way tennis was presented, and the 2007 Sony Ericsson Open was truly a complete entertainment experience for both fans and players alike. The tournament hosted a star-studded Kickoff Party on South Beach featuring a live musical performance by Robin Thicke, an unprecedented five fashion shows by world renowned designers Roberto Cavalli, Diane von Furstenberg, Etro and the upscale local Village of Merrick Park, a celebrity chef demonstration by Norman Van Aken and Katy Sparks and welcomed several on-court celebrity performances by Jose Feliciano, JoJo, Melissa Jimenez, Boyd Tinsley, Jon Secada and Kelly Rowland. The tournament posted record numbers in 2007 setting an all-time attendance record with 288,025 guests visiting the Tennis Center at Crandon Park shattering the old attendance mark of 272,033 set in 2006 by nearly 16,000. Ten session attendance records were set during the tournament’s 12 days including seven session sellouts. The March 24 Saturday Day Session set an all-time attendance record with 18,910. It marked the first time that a session surpassed 18,000. The women’s final saw eight-time Grand Slam Champion Serena Williams record one of the greatest comebacks in tournament history with a 0-6, 7-5, 6-3 win over World No. 1 Justine Henin. The men’s final offered tennis fans a glimps of the future as 19-year-old Novak Djokovic captured his first Sony Ericsson Open title with a 6-3, 6-2, 6-4 win over Guillermo Canas. Djokovic did not drop a set en route to the title and becomes the lowest seed (No. 10) to win the Sony Ericsson Open title since Jim Coureir (No. 13) in 1991. Canas becomes the first qualifier to reach the tournament final.
2008: 2008 marked another record breaking year for the Sony Ericsson Open. The tournament recorded 10 session sellouts, set 11 session attendance records and shattered its all-time attendance record with 297,011 guests visiting the Tennis Center at Crandon Park. The men’s final on Sunday, April 6 was sold out on Friday, March 28 marking the quickest sellout for a men’s final in tournament history. But the record attendance is only part of the story. In its second year as title sponsor of the Sony Ericsson Open, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications continues to raise the bar when it comes to presenting tennis to the world, and this year’s tournament was truly a complete entertainment experience for both fans and players alike. The Tennis Center at Crandon Park was once again revitalized with bold colors and music welcoming guests to the tournament grounds, and even before fans passed by the signature fountain, guests were treated to an interactive entryway. Everywhere people turned they were met with the sights and sounds of glitz and glamour, all matching the Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications brand identity that was launched for their mobile phones in December 2006. The Sony Ericsson Open has become one of the most glamorous events on tour and this year’s event was definitely the place to be seen in Miami. The names of those visiting the tournament this year was like a who’s who of the entertainment and sports industries including actors Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson, Brittany Murphy, and Pauly Shore; television host Star Jones-Reynolds; feature film director David Frankel; musicians Paulina Rubio, Alejandro Sanz, Jon McLaughlin, Kenny G, Common and Boyd Tinsley; race car drivers Helio Castroneves, Christian Fittipaldi and Emerson Fittipaldi; Miami Heat stars Dwyane Wade and Shawn Marion; former NBA All-Star Alonzo Mourning; NFL standouts Terrell Owens, Randy McMichael, Chris Chambers and Willis McGahee; and Florida Panthers Richard Zedinik and Brano Nezei. The Sony Ericsson Open hosted a star-studded Kickoff Party at the trendy club Opium Garden on world famous South Beach. The red carpet event featured world renowned DJ Bob Sinclar and drew many celebrity guests including 10,000 BC star Camilla Bell, reality TV star Katrina Campins, former professional tennis player Anna Kournikova, supermodel and the face of Estée Lauder Hilary Rhoda, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models Quianna Grant, Jessica Gomes, Nicole Trunfio and Jarah Mariano, and the band Misshapes. The Sony Ericsson Open continued to bring its guests the best in all-around entertainment in 2008. At the Sony Ericsson Open Fashion Park, the tournament hosted four fashion shows by world renowned designers Fila, EleVen by Venus Williams, Blumarine and the upscale local Village of Merrick Park. Great tennis was not the only thing entertaining fans on Stadium Court this year. The Sony Ericsson Open brought in Island Def Jam recording artist Jon McLaughlin to perform his new single “Smack into You” and the National Anthem prior to the women’s final on April 5. Prior to the men’s final on April 6 the tournament hosted Kenny G, the biggest selling instrument musician in the modern era, who performed “Sabor A Mi” from his new album Rhythm and Romance as well as the National Anthem. Once again the Sony Ericsson Open was a global event with 752 credentials issued to media from 36 countries including reporters from Venezuela, Uruguay, United States, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Switzerland, Sweden, Slovakia, Serbia and Montenegro, Russian Federation, Portugal, Poland, Peru, Panama, Netherlands, Mexico, Japan, Italy, Israel, Hungary, Guatemala, Germany, France, Finland, Ecuador, Denmark, Croatia, Costa Rica, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Belgium, Austria, Australia, Argentina. Both the men’s and women’s finals were broadcast on CBS. CBS has a long term contract with the tournament to showcase the finals through 2011. The tournament received over 2000 hours of television coverage globally on other networks. For the first time the Sony Ericsson Open took to the streets of Miami to bring tennis to people who may not normally visit the event on Key Biscayne. The tournament hosted events at Coconut Grove and Lincoln Road featuring video boards, player appearances and interactive games. The Sony Ericsson Open also took the tournament to many of the local high schools in South Florida with several high school dance team performances and National Anthem singers prior to select evening matches on Stadium Court. The Sony Ericsson Open continued its long tradition of community service in 2008. The tournament continued its affiliation with the First Serve Organization which was started by the Buchholz family to empower young people by providing local tennis facilities and schools with alife skills programthat promotes positive values, healthy habits and education through the game of tennis. For the 12th year in a row, the Sony Ericsson Open joined international relief organization Feed the Children to distribute food and supplies to benefit thousands of South Florida children and families. On March 24, the Sony Ericsson Open and Feed The Children distributed 15 eighteen-wheelers with more than 399,500 pounds of food, beverages, personal care products, paper goods and Vertrue pharmacy cards. The 15 truckloads of goods were valued at more than $2,000,000 and were disturbed amongst 50 South Florida hunger relief agencies. Over the 12 year partnership the Sony Ericsson Open has distributed 4.4 million pounds of food valued at close to $12 million and supplemented close to 17 million meals to over 163,000 families.

VIP Guest Reporter
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• Conduct guest interview on Tournament site for Tournament Daily Newspaper
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2009 Tournament Schedule(*Subject To Change)
Men's / Women's Singles Qualifying (48 draws)*
QA: Day
Monday, March 23
10 am
QB: Day
Tuesday, March 24
10 am
Women's Singles 1st Round (96 draw) / Men's Singles 1st Round (96 draw)*
1: Day
Wednesday, March 25
11 am
2: Night
Wednesday, March 25
7 pm
Women's Singles 1st Round / Men's Singles 1st Round*
3: Day
Thursday, March 26
11 am
4: Night
Thursday, March 26
7 pm
Women's Singles 2nd Round / Men's Singles 2nd Round*
5: Day
Friday, March 27
11 am
6: Night
Friday, March 27
7 pm
Women's Singles 2nd Round / Men's Singles 2nd Round*
7: Day
Saturday, March 28
11 am
8: Night
Saturday, March 28
8 pm
Women's Singles 3rd Round / Men's Singles 3rd Round / Doubles 1st Round (32 draws)*
9: Day
Sunday, March 29
11 am
10: Night
Sunday, March 29
7 pm
Women's Singles 4th Round / Men's Singles 3rd Round / Doubles 1st Round*
11: Day
Monday, March 30
11 am
12: Night
Monday, March 30
7 pm
Men's Singles 4th Round / Women's Singles Quarterfinals / Doubles 2nd round*
13: Day
Tuesday, March 31
11 am
14: Night
Tuesday, March 31
7 pm
Men's & Women's Singles & Doubles Quarterfinals*
15: Day
Wednesday, April 1
11 am
16: Night
Wednesday, April 1
7 pm
Women's Semifinals / Men's Singles Quarterfinals / Men's Doubles Semifinals*
17: Day
Thursday, April 2
11 am
18: Night
Thursday, April 2
7 pm
Men's Singles Semifinals / Women's Doubles Semifinals*
19: Day
Friday, April 3
20: Night
Friday, April 3
7 pm
Women's Singles Final / Men's Doubles Final*
21: Day
Saturday, April 4
11:30 am
Men's Singles Final / Women's Doubles Final*
22: Day
Sunday, April 5
12:30 pm
Men's / Women's Singles Qualifying (48 draws)*
QA: Day
Monday, March 23
10 am
QB: Day
Tuesday, March 24
10 am
Women's Singles 1st Round (96 draw) / Men's Singles 1st Round (96 draw)*
1: Day
Wednesday, March 25
11 am
2: Night
Wednesday, March 25
7 pm
Women's Singles 1st Round / Men's Singles 1st Round*
3: Day
Thursday, March 26
11 am
4: Night
Thursday, March 26
7 pm
Women's Singles 2nd Round / Men's Singles 2nd Round*
5: Day
Friday, March 27
11 am
6: Night
Friday, March 27
7 pm
Women's Singles 2nd Round / Men's Singles 2nd Round*
7: Day
Saturday, March 28
11 am
8: Night
Saturday, March 28
8 pm
Women's Singles 3rd Round / Men's Singles 3rd Round / Doubles 1st Round (32 draws)*
9: Day
Sunday, March 29
11 am
10: Night
Sunday, March 29
7 pm
Women's Singles 4th Round / Men's Singles 3rd Round / Doubles 1st Round*
11: Day
Monday, March 30
11 am
12: Night
Monday, March 30
7 pm
Men's Singles 4th Round / Women's Singles Quarterfinals / Doubles 2nd round*
13: Day
Tuesday, March 31
11 am
14: Night
Tuesday, March 31
7 pm
Men's & Women's Singles & Doubles Quarterfinals*
15: Day
Wednesday, April 1
11 am
16: Night
Wednesday, April 1
7 pm
Women's Semifinals / Men's Singles Quarterfinals / Men's Doubles Semifinals*
17: Day
Thursday, April 2
11 am
18: Night
Thursday, April 2
7 pm
Men's Singles Semifinals / Women's Doubles Semifinals*
19: Day
Friday, April 3
20: Night
Friday, April 3
7 pm
Women's Singles Final / Men's Doubles Final*
21: Day
Saturday, April 4
11:30 am
Men's Singles Final / Women's Doubles Final*
22: Day
Sunday, April 5
12:30 pm
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Marketing Tool Guide

Marketing Tool Guide Did you know there are now over 1 Billion Internet users around the world. And that number is increasing every day.That's roughly one sixth of the world's population now using the web to surf, to find information, and of course - to shop... that's one enormous marketplace.
Likewise, many individuals just like yourself, have taken advantage
of this new medium and created successful online websites and
businesses. In the process these online marketers have carved out
an envious lifestyle - working at home or wherever they want, working their own hours, creating part-time or full-time incomes for themselves and their families. Many have attained a level of personal and financial freedom, rarely experienced this side of a Bill Gates's luncheon.Along the way many of these marketers and ordinary people have realized in order to fully maximize their benefits from sales and traffic you need professional marketing tools. In other words, you need high quality proven marketing tools and software to make your job easier and quicker. These marketing tools will save you time, money and stress! A whole lot of stress!But more importantly, it is these effective marketing tools which give you the freedom that makes the whole online marketing experience so envious. These tools will Liberate you from hours or even days of tedious work. These marketing tools do most of the work for you. Professional marketers know a one-time investment in high quality effective marketing tools will pay dividends again and again... they also know it is the only way to proceed.
Likewise, many individuals just like yourself, have taken advantage
of this new medium and created successful online websites and
businesses. In the process these online marketers have carved out
an envious lifestyle - working at home or wherever they want, working their own hours, creating part-time or full-time incomes for themselves and their families. Many have attained a level of personal and financial freedom, rarely experienced this side of a Bill Gates's luncheon.Along the way many of these marketers and ordinary people have realized in order to fully maximize their benefits from sales and traffic you need professional marketing tools. In other words, you need high quality proven marketing tools and software to make your job easier and quicker. These marketing tools will save you time, money and stress! A whole lot of stress!But more importantly, it is these effective marketing tools which give you the freedom that makes the whole online marketing experience so envious. These tools will Liberate you from hours or even days of tedious work. These marketing tools do most of the work for you. Professional marketers know a one-time investment in high quality effective marketing tools will pay dividends again and again... they also know it is the only way to proceed.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Filing for Homestead and Other Exemptions
What You Need When Filing for Homestead
When filing an application you must bring the following items listed below. To claim 100% coverage, all owners occupying the property as Tenants in Common (i.e., proportional share co-owners) must file in person on jointly held property. In the case of a husband/wife ("Tenants by the Entirety") or Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship ("JTRS"), any one owner may qualify for 100% coverage -- although it is always highly advisable to have all eligible owner-occupants to file. If you are married and the Deed has different last names for a husband and wife, a marriage certificate must be presented if the deed does not indicate the two co-owners are "husband and wife."
Proof of Ownership: In general, the recorded Deed or Co-op Proprietary Lease must be held in the name(s) of the individuals applying for Homestead. You do not need to bring a copy of the deed or co-op lease if the document has already been recorded in the Official Records of Broward County. If the PROPERTY IS HELD IN A TRUST, WE ALSO NEED EITHER A NOTARIZED CERTIFICATE OF TRUST OR A COMPLETE COPY OF THE TRUST AGREEMENT. Note: Most taxpayers prefer to use the simple Certificate of Trust form, instead of submitting the entire trust for our review, as it better protects the privacy of your estate planning and other financial matters.
Proof of Permanent Florida Residence -- preferably dated prior to January 1 of the tax year for which you are filing -- is established in the form of:
FOR ALL APPLICANTS: Florida's Driver's License (or -- for non-drivers only -- a Florida I.D. Card) is REQUIRED. Note: "Valid Only in Florida" driver license is not acceptable. You must ALSO have either one of the following:
Florida Voter's Registration; or
Recorded Declaration of Domicile.
FOR NON-US CITIZENS, you must have the items listed above AND proof of permanent residency, asylum/parolee status (or other "PRUCOL" status).
If you or your married spouse have a Homestead Exemption in any other county, state or country (or an equivalent permanent residency-based exemption or tax credit, such as New York's "S.T.A.R." exemption) on another property you also currently own, you will not be eligible for a homestead in Broward until after you surrender the exemption in that other jurisdiction. (Note: If you know of someone with a Homestead Exemption in Broward who also maintains an exemption on another property elsewhere, please report this information to our Fraud Investigations Section at 954.357.6900.)
The State-approved application form requests certain information for all owners living on the premises and filing:
Current employers of all owners
Addresses listed on last I.R.S. income tax returns.
Date of each owner's permanent Florida residence.
Date of occupancy for each property owner.
Social Security numbers of all owners filing (plus the Social Security numbers of any married spouses, even if not named in the deed).
Note: The amount of the homestead exemption protection granted to an owner residing on a particular property is to be applied against the amount of that person's interest in the property. This provision is limited in that the proportional amount of the homestead exemption allowed any person shall not exceed the proportionate assessed valuation based on the interest owned by the person. For example, assuming a property valued at $40,000, with the residing owner's interest in the property being $20,000, then $20,000 of the homestead exemption is all that can be applied to that property. If there are multiple owners, all as joint tenants with rights of survivorship, the owner living at property filing receives the full exemption
When filing an application you must bring the following items listed below. To claim 100% coverage, all owners occupying the property as Tenants in Common (i.e., proportional share co-owners) must file in person on jointly held property. In the case of a husband/wife ("Tenants by the Entirety") or Joint Tenants with Right of Survivorship ("JTRS"), any one owner may qualify for 100% coverage -- although it is always highly advisable to have all eligible owner-occupants to file. If you are married and the Deed has different last names for a husband and wife, a marriage certificate must be presented if the deed does not indicate the two co-owners are "husband and wife."
Proof of Ownership: In general, the recorded Deed or Co-op Proprietary Lease must be held in the name(s) of the individuals applying for Homestead. You do not need to bring a copy of the deed or co-op lease if the document has already been recorded in the Official Records of Broward County. If the PROPERTY IS HELD IN A TRUST, WE ALSO NEED EITHER A NOTARIZED CERTIFICATE OF TRUST OR A COMPLETE COPY OF THE TRUST AGREEMENT. Note: Most taxpayers prefer to use the simple Certificate of Trust form, instead of submitting the entire trust for our review, as it better protects the privacy of your estate planning and other financial matters.
Proof of Permanent Florida Residence -- preferably dated prior to January 1 of the tax year for which you are filing -- is established in the form of:
FOR ALL APPLICANTS: Florida's Driver's License (or -- for non-drivers only -- a Florida I.D. Card) is REQUIRED. Note: "Valid Only in Florida" driver license is not acceptable. You must ALSO have either one of the following:
Florida Voter's Registration; or
Recorded Declaration of Domicile.
FOR NON-US CITIZENS, you must have the items listed above AND proof of permanent residency, asylum/parolee status (or other "PRUCOL" status).
If you or your married spouse have a Homestead Exemption in any other county, state or country (or an equivalent permanent residency-based exemption or tax credit, such as New York's "S.T.A.R." exemption) on another property you also currently own, you will not be eligible for a homestead in Broward until after you surrender the exemption in that other jurisdiction. (Note: If you know of someone with a Homestead Exemption in Broward who also maintains an exemption on another property elsewhere, please report this information to our Fraud Investigations Section at 954.357.6900.)
The State-approved application form requests certain information for all owners living on the premises and filing:
Current employers of all owners
Addresses listed on last I.R.S. income tax returns.
Date of each owner's permanent Florida residence.
Date of occupancy for each property owner.
Social Security numbers of all owners filing (plus the Social Security numbers of any married spouses, even if not named in the deed).
Note: The amount of the homestead exemption protection granted to an owner residing on a particular property is to be applied against the amount of that person's interest in the property. This provision is limited in that the proportional amount of the homestead exemption allowed any person shall not exceed the proportionate assessed valuation based on the interest owned by the person. For example, assuming a property valued at $40,000, with the residing owner's interest in the property being $20,000, then $20,000 of the homestead exemption is all that can be applied to that property. If there are multiple owners, all as joint tenants with rights of survivorship, the owner living at property filing receives the full exemption
How to Build Successful Business
Starting point:
1-Understand just what one person/business needs and will buy now.
2-Get the customer to sign a contract.
3-Start building it.
People could be the most successful, the wealthiest, the most athletic, the gosh-dang sexiest; yet, they'll still want/need something to make their lives that much better. That could be a:
Computer designed specifically for Bakery CEOs
Inspirational posters for hospitals
Calorie Tracker for football players
Philly Cheese Steak melted with pizza toppings
etc., etc., etc.
Markham Park ( By Sven Mathura )
Markham Park is located at: 16001 W. State Rd. 84Sunrise, FLCall to confirm hours954-389-2005
Shooting Range Hours: Call to confirm hours954-389-2005Monday: ClosedTuesday: 1-5pmWednesday: 1-9pmThursday: 10am-5pmFriday: Closed May - Aug(open 1-5pm Sept-April only)Saturday: 8am-5pmSunday: 8am-5pm
Hearing and eye protection are REQUIRED at Markham Park.The 666-acre Markham Park is also home to the Fox Observatory, a radio controlled airplane field, dog park, biking and joggingtrails, fishing and boating areas, a tennis and racquetball center, volleyball, a swimming pool complex with a mist pool, snack bar, lockers and showers/restrooms. For more details, call 954-389-2000.
Shooting Range Hours: Call to confirm hours954-389-2005Monday: ClosedTuesday: 1-5pmWednesday: 1-9pmThursday: 10am-5pmFriday: Closed May - Aug(open 1-5pm Sept-April only)Saturday: 8am-5pmSunday: 8am-5pm
Hearing and eye protection are REQUIRED at Markham Park.The 666-acre Markham Park is also home to the Fox Observatory, a radio controlled airplane field, dog park, biking and joggingtrails, fishing and boating areas, a tennis and racquetball center, volleyball, a swimming pool complex with a mist pool, snack bar, lockers and showers/restrooms. For more details, call 954-389-2000.
Today, the career transition marketplace
The last 10 years have witnessed virtually every sector of the economy consolidated, downsized and/or re-engineered. The number of mid to senior level executives, with core competent and highly transferable skill sets has totally overwhelmed the limited number of intellectually challenging, financially rewarding and growth-oriented positions available in our economy.
If You Truly Believe:
• Your resume is really good! • You can always get a job through your contacts!• All you need to do is answer ads!• You are marketable and will get a job quickly!• Once you get the interview, you will get the job!• The job boards hold the key to top level positions!• You can always become a Consultant, the market needs you!
You may be experiencing your first career "deer in the headlights" moment .
If You Truly Believe:
• Your resume is really good! • You can always get a job through your contacts!• All you need to do is answer ads!• You are marketable and will get a job quickly!• Once you get the interview, you will get the job!• The job boards hold the key to top level positions!• You can always become a Consultant, the market needs you!
You may be experiencing your first career "deer in the headlights" moment .
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 St. Patrick's Day
Patrick's Day offers a mid-week party reprieve, being on a Tuesday this year, and there is no shortage of places to celebrate downtown.
Southwest 2 Street / HimmarsheeThis promises to be the largest outdoor St. Patrick's Day party in the state - last year, it drew 25,000 people. The street will be closed from the railroad tracks to Southwest 4th Avenue from 2 p.m. until 4 a.m. Live music on the street will entertain, and vendors and area restaurants will serve up the good eats. Admission is free.
Maguire's HillJoin thousands of other Irish folks under a big tent at Maguire's Hill beginning at noon. Live bands, step dancers and bag pipe players will entertain while shepherd's pie, corned beef and cabbage and Irish stew will be available. Admission is $10 to get in, plus you can buy tickets for food and beer.535 N. Andrews Ave.(954) 764-4453
Waxy O'Connor Irish PubIrish bands will play all day beginning at noon and continue into the night. Traditional Irish dishes of corned beef, bangers and mash and Irish stew will be served. No cover charge.1095 SE 17th St.(954)
Downtowner Saloon The Downtowner Saloon will have its annual St. Patrick's Day street festival on the Riverwalk with live entertainment as well as traditional corned beef platter.408 S. Andrews Ave.(954)
Briny Irish PubFestivities will start as soon as the doors open at 11 a.m. at Briny Irish Pub. Food from their Irish-American menu will be served throughout the day, and live bands and bag pipers will entertain.305 S. Andrews Ave.(954)
Southwest 2 Street / HimmarsheeThis promises to be the largest outdoor St. Patrick's Day party in the state - last year, it drew 25,000 people. The street will be closed from the railroad tracks to Southwest 4th Avenue from 2 p.m. until 4 a.m. Live music on the street will entertain, and vendors and area restaurants will serve up the good eats. Admission is free.
Maguire's HillJoin thousands of other Irish folks under a big tent at Maguire's Hill beginning at noon. Live bands, step dancers and bag pipe players will entertain while shepherd's pie, corned beef and cabbage and Irish stew will be available. Admission is $10 to get in, plus you can buy tickets for food and beer.535 N. Andrews Ave.(954) 764-4453
Waxy O'Connor Irish PubIrish bands will play all day beginning at noon and continue into the night. Traditional Irish dishes of corned beef, bangers and mash and Irish stew will be served. No cover charge.1095 SE 17th St.(954)
Downtowner Saloon The Downtowner Saloon will have its annual St. Patrick's Day street festival on the Riverwalk with live entertainment as well as traditional corned beef platter.408 S. Andrews Ave.(954)
Briny Irish PubFestivities will start as soon as the doors open at 11 a.m. at Briny Irish Pub. Food from their Irish-American menu will be served throughout the day, and live bands and bag pipers will entertain.305 S. Andrews Ave.(954)
What to do on St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Day 4 Leaf Clover Tennis Tournament hits the courts March 13
> Posted by wst123 on March 2, 2009 at 12:05 PM
The St. Patrick's Day 4 Leaf Clover Tennis Tournament takes place at 6:30 p.m. Friday, March 13 at the Weston Tennis Center, 16451 Racquet Club Road.
The round-robin tennis tournament will be followed by a barbecue with Irish beer. Pros will play into the round robin to make all games competitive. There will also be a junior clinic so the whole family can celebrate St. Patrick's Day together.
Call 954-389-8666.
> Posted by wst123 on March 2, 2009 at 12:05 PM
The St. Patrick's Day 4 Leaf Clover Tennis Tournament takes place at 6:30 p.m. Friday, March 13 at the Weston Tennis Center, 16451 Racquet Club Road.
The round-robin tennis tournament will be followed by a barbecue with Irish beer. Pros will play into the round robin to make all games competitive. There will also be a junior clinic so the whole family can celebrate St. Patrick's Day together.
Call 954-389-8666.
History of St. Patrick's Day
The History of the Holiday
St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on March 17, his religious feast day and the anniversary of his death in the fifth century. The Irish have observed this day as a religious holiday for over a thousand years.
On St. Patrick's Day, which falls during the Christian season of Lent, Irish families would traditionally attend church in the morning and celebrate in the afternoon. Lenten prohibitions against the consumption of meat were waived and people would dance, drink, and feast—on the traditional meal of Irish bacon and cabbage.
St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on March 17, his religious feast day and the anniversary of his death in the fifth century. The Irish have observed this day as a religious holiday for over a thousand years.
On St. Patrick's Day, which falls during the Christian season of Lent, Irish families would traditionally attend church in the morning and celebrate in the afternoon. Lenten prohibitions against the consumption of meat were waived and people would dance, drink, and feast—on the traditional meal of Irish bacon and cabbage.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Doral Golf Resort and Spa
Doral Golf Resort and Spa4400 NW 87th Avenue, Miami, FL 33178
Directions:Coming from the EASTFrom South Miami Beach Take MacArthur Causeway (395) West to I-95 North. Take I-95 to836 West and exit to 87th Ave. Proceed North on 87th Ave and follow signs to parking or turn leftin the Doral Golf Resort.From Miami Beach and North Miami Beach head WEST across Julia Tuttle Causeway (195),the 79th Street Bridge or Broad Causeway to I-95 South. Continue South to 836 West and exitat 87th Avenue. Head North on 87th Ave. Follow signs to parking or turn left into the Doral GolfResort.Coming from the SOUTHExpress way (826) North and proceed North to the second NW 36th Street (West) exit. HeadWest on 36th Street to 87th Avenue and follow signs to parking or turn left into Doral Golf Resort.From Homestead, Perrine or Kendall take US-1 to the Palmetto (826) exit NW 36th Street (West)and follow sings to parking.Can take the Florida Turnpike to 41st Street exit head east to 87th Avenue and follow sings toparking or turn left into the Doral Golf Resort.Coming from the NORTHFrom Hollywood, Ft. Lauderdale, or Boca Raton head South on the Florida Turnpike to the 41stStreet Exit. Make a Left at the light and follow signs to parking or turn Left onto 87th Avenue andLeft into the Doral Golf Resort.From Hollywood, Ft. Lauderdale, Boca Raton head South on I-95 to the Golden GladesInterchange. Take the Palmetto Expressway (826) West and it becomes 826 South to NW 36thStreet and turn Right at 87th Avenue. Follow signs to parking or turn Left into the Doral GolfResort.Coming from the WESTExpressway (826) South to NW 36th Street (West) exit. Head West until you reach NW 87thAvenue and turn Right. Follow signs to parking or turn left into the Doral Golf Resort.From Naples and Ft. Myers take I-75 (Alligator Alley) to the Palmetto Expressway (826) Westand it becomes 826 South to NW 36th Street and turn Right at 87th Avenue. Follow signs toparking or turn Left into the Doral Golf Resort.From Naples and Ft. Myers take the Tamiami Trail (SW 8th Street) to the Palmetto Expressway(826) and head North to NW 36th Street exit. Proceed West on NW 36th Street until you reach87th Avenue and turn Right. Follow signs to parking or turn Left into the Doral Golf Resort.
Parking:Location: JC Bermudez Park Charge: $10.00 per dayThere will be a free shuttle bus at every parking lot that will take customers to the Main Entrance and Will Call (Koger Center).
Box Office Numbers:(305) 477-4653 Information Line
Box Office Hours:Day of event: Admission Gates will open Tuesday & Wednesday from 7:30am-7:00pm, Thursday & Friday 9:00am-7:00pm, Saturday & Sunday from 7:30am-7:00pm. Check local media or www.worldgolfchampionships
Directions:Coming from the EASTFrom South Miami Beach Take MacArthur Causeway (395) West to I-95 North. Take I-95 to836 West and exit to 87th Ave. Proceed North on 87th Ave and follow signs to parking or turn leftin the Doral Golf Resort.From Miami Beach and North Miami Beach head WEST across Julia Tuttle Causeway (195),the 79th Street Bridge or Broad Causeway to I-95 South. Continue South to 836 West and exitat 87th Avenue. Head North on 87th Ave. Follow signs to parking or turn left into the Doral GolfResort.Coming from the SOUTHExpress way (826) North and proceed North to the second NW 36th Street (West) exit. HeadWest on 36th Street to 87th Avenue and follow signs to parking or turn left into Doral Golf Resort.From Homestead, Perrine or Kendall take US-1 to the Palmetto (826) exit NW 36th Street (West)and follow sings to parking.Can take the Florida Turnpike to 41st Street exit head east to 87th Avenue and follow sings toparking or turn left into the Doral Golf Resort.Coming from the NORTHFrom Hollywood, Ft. Lauderdale, or Boca Raton head South on the Florida Turnpike to the 41stStreet Exit. Make a Left at the light and follow signs to parking or turn Left onto 87th Avenue andLeft into the Doral Golf Resort.From Hollywood, Ft. Lauderdale, Boca Raton head South on I-95 to the Golden GladesInterchange. Take the Palmetto Expressway (826) West and it becomes 826 South to NW 36thStreet and turn Right at 87th Avenue. Follow signs to parking or turn Left into the Doral GolfResort.Coming from the WESTExpressway (826) South to NW 36th Street (West) exit. Head West until you reach NW 87thAvenue and turn Right. Follow signs to parking or turn left into the Doral Golf Resort.From Naples and Ft. Myers take I-75 (Alligator Alley) to the Palmetto Expressway (826) Westand it becomes 826 South to NW 36th Street and turn Right at 87th Avenue. Follow signs toparking or turn Left into the Doral Golf Resort.From Naples and Ft. Myers take the Tamiami Trail (SW 8th Street) to the Palmetto Expressway(826) and head North to NW 36th Street exit. Proceed West on NW 36th Street until you reach87th Avenue and turn Right. Follow signs to parking or turn Left into the Doral Golf Resort.
Parking:Location: JC Bermudez Park Charge: $10.00 per dayThere will be a free shuttle bus at every parking lot that will take customers to the Main Entrance and Will Call (Koger Center).
Box Office Numbers:(305) 477-4653 Information Line
Box Office Hours:Day of event: Admission Gates will open Tuesday & Wednesday from 7:30am-7:00pm, Thursday & Friday 9:00am-7:00pm, Saturday & Sunday from 7:30am-7:00pm. Check local media or www.worldgolfchampionships
Tiger Woods
Phil Mickelson
Vijay Singh
Steve Stricker
K.J. Choi
Complete Money Leaders
Doral Golf Resort and Spa, Blue Monster Course, Doral, FloridaFebruary 27 - 5, 2006 Contact: (305) 477-4653
Purse: $5.5 millionWinning Share: $990,000Yards: 7,266
Thursday, 3/22: 2-6 PM ET GOLFFriday, 3/23: 2-6 PM ET GOLFSaturday, 3/24: 2-6 PM ET NBCSunday, 3/25: 3-7 PM ET NBC
Tiger Woods
Phil Mickelson
Vijay Singh
Steve Stricker
K.J. Choi
Complete Money Leaders
Doral Golf Resort and Spa, Blue Monster Course, Doral, FloridaFebruary 27 - 5, 2006 Contact: (305) 477-4653
Purse: $5.5 millionWinning Share: $990,000Yards: 7,266
Thursday, 3/22: 2-6 PM ET GOLFFriday, 3/23: 2-6 PM ET GOLFSaturday, 3/24: 2-6 PM ET NBCSunday, 3/25: 3-7 PM ET NBC
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